I met him in Seattle 2011 and I can confirm he was a bit of a dick/elitist. I’ve met a lot of celebrities and he was the only one I was not that impressed with. Now Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner are awesome guys got to chat with them at a Con back in 2013.
Holy shit, Jim Sterling is going to explode quite literally about this now.
What sucks is the night prior to the stock going live I set up a buy for it at it’s buy in price at 45.00 and then in the morning my buy didn’t execute because it started at 64.50 like you said. I was a little confused as to what happened if it was a limit issue or buy on market open issue. Would have been nice to get…
When in debugmode you can repair without a bench. I'm curious how they spawned a boat up high with no water, I've tried that before and couldn't do it.
He also gets an annual travel stipend, access to cheap family plan healthcare through the Gov’t. I’m retired military and did 20 years, 7 deployments, been in 2 different wars. We get jack shit compared to any of these assholes (congress, senate) who only serve a single term and get crazy amount of benefits. That is a…
My wife and me used to watch the show long ago and I just showed her this article. Her face lit up for a second then the dread of no Cattrall set in, she was the best part of the show. Well there went that interest real quick.
He’ll walk that idea back because he’ll go to prison. ^^^^^ But then again he can pull a Nixon and resign to have Pence pardon him. So all he’s doing now is trolling morons for donations (put on a show) to support his legal funding for the State Suits that he can’t avoid. Or if he could sneak out of the country and…
Prison is probable, he can still resign his position and have Pence pardon him of any Federal crimes. State related ones are another story though, so prison is possible.
Wait, so a Gov’t official review board approved it for release and then it gets banned. Did they do this on purpose just to dick with the industry or did they not notice the joke originally?
Honestly at this point I’d rather pay the money and go to Japan, I’m never stepping foot in Florida ever again.
This doesn’t surprise me, I sat next to Ricky Schroder during lunch by accident once while I was in Afghanistan. He was there on some tour thing and he had a hard-on for all things military and 2nd amendment rights. I just never realized he was that in deep conservatively.
Wearing a mask for long periods of time can also make you feel like you have to keep your mouth shut or have your teeth touching. Opening your jaw too far can sometimes pull your mask down under your nose so self consciously I sometimes almost clench my mouth shut for no reason and try remember to just stay loose. I’m…
Agreed, I guess all the other Dance Moms and child beauty pageant shows are ok though for Texas?
I was stationed at Geilenkirchen NATO Air Base about 30 minutes North of Aachen which was my favorite city to visit, cool to see it mentioned in an article. I had my 98 4 Runner with me and I failed inspection due to a handful of things undercarriage related and my tires were sticking out too far. So being in luck my…
In 2014 I was deployed in Afghanistan and my team did a convoy out to a remote site outside the city of Kabul. I had Guardian Angel (insider attack deterrent) duty for the meeting and sometime before it started I needed to go pretty bad because it was quite a drive out there. Now I have full IBA on and had already…
So... you are “scheduled” to turn yourself in now? Like is it sent to them in Outlook as a calendar appointment or Gmail invite? 8am - get oil changed, 10am - turn self in for murder.