Omegaruin (JD)

Maybe Sonic was human and this is the actual Were-hog umm... Were-hedgehog version?

Well damn, she should co-host an AVGN episode with James sometime then, ought to be interesting to see their take on a shitty game.

Well, hopefully I can be re-followed by you guys eventually. I’ve always been a fair dude on here. Good that you’re cleaning house though, I agree.

From a previous post.

Upright Star on the green cup represents a Pagan Pentagram, boom! There’s your offensiveness. Evangelicals will go ape shit now. How dare you steal a holiday that was already stolen!

They will say that the upright Pentagram (star)on the green cup is supportive of Pagans. Now if it had a circle around it, holy shit mobs will be out in force hunting down Starbucks customers to burn at the stake.

Wow, just realized this is an old post what the hell.

They’ll probably use Flash as an excuse to reset, like using Flashpoint or something...

What the hell, my brain hurts from watching that. Heard about this guy but missed this video some how.

They add a “popular” category before making a “best stunt team” category that should have been made 10 years ago... so so dumb.

I know this all too well when I started playing Everquest (AKA Evercrack)in 1999-2003. Working full time and in the servers top raiding guild was slowly deteriorating a lot of things in my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I like Pine but after Ragnarok and Infinity War I feel the crown has moved to Hemsworth. Slightly Evans but his presence wasn’t as prominent lately, so yea Hemsworth.

Chest hair be creepin yo!

Pretty well done short, I like.

Looks like me when I go down the wrong trail and end up in the board park.

No need to fight the companies if they are just straight up not allowed to give shit tons of money to political candidates. There needs to be a mandate for no more 3rd party money for people running. Let candidates have a flat rate campaign stipend to manage and they need to win on their own volition. Start with

He’s doing the lobbing throws at the very start of the match so through practice he can know the angle and height to throw (per the map) as the other players are in or around the starting spawn area. Throws for chance and if one lands then it gets cut into a snazzy video.

Detectives searching Giles’ home say he was “an avid player of video games and was known for watching YouTube videos that were centered on his hobby.”

I went with a more subtle approach, my daughters middle name is Phoenix. A nod to my favorite X-Men story lines. When she was born I grabbed her the first appearance issue and will keep it till she is older.

Or Dynasty Warriors version of Guan Yu. Still not even close though.