Does the caption mean that he secretly wants Aladdin to already be on his dick, so he can yell for someone to tell him to get off of it?
Does the caption mean that he secretly wants Aladdin to already be on his dick, so he can yell for someone to tell him to get off of it?
Yea and people have recieved more years than that for having some marijuana. With the inability to hurt a fly.
Voters can’t bare all the blame here, don’t forget that the people that deem a person fit for the position ultimately fucked us ——> Electoral College. Which needs to go away so that voting actually matters. People have no confidence in a system that can just be ‘trumped’ after the fact. Thus, this is why people every…
Maybe, less scary than reading them in Mark Hamill’s Joker voice.
How convenient, since you can just lie and say your any religion you want. With a relatively fundamental understanding of any theology/mythology.
More of a puppet than a politician, I’d say.
My brain can’t comprehend this right now, need coffee...
Even the lines at San Diego Comic Con are bigger than his inaugeration.
Yea... I had the same reaction and I’m in the military. Dude is delusional.
This is the best thing, he should at least try first. Moving to another game with fellow guild mates makes the transition easier. A bunch of us all quit Everquest together and created our own guild in WoW, when it went live in Oct 2004, if I remember right.
I hear you, I played EQ from 2000-2004 and logged on for the hell of it a few weeks ago and man I can’t believe the amount of patience I had back when playing this. I sold off my old account when I moved to WoW so all I have are some crusty old screenshots.
I was pretty deep in MMO land, started with Everquest in 2000 and quit for WoW in 2004. Then quit WoW in 2009 and started playing SW: Old Republic then I called it quits from MMO’s in general in 2010. I did try out some others like Rift and Neverwinter, but I just didn’t have that drive to be the best at my class on a…