You know, I’ve seen a lot of “record setting” things before - some of them only making a little bit of sense. This? This just screams to me....why?! I mean it’s like the guy made it just to be like “Notice me senpai!”.
You know, I’ve seen a lot of “record setting” things before - some of them only making a little bit of sense. This? This just screams to me....why?! I mean it’s like the guy made it just to be like “Notice me senpai!”.
I’m traveling the country so I’ve come across LOTS of these things while traveling across Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona and California (things are EVERYWHERE). Really cool things to see when you come over a hill and there is hundreds of them.
Yeah Savage Roar + Force of Nature is like GG
So what you’re basically saying is - we need Steve Jobs back. To which I say: Amen!
I’m good with all of these except maybe the increase in BGH. Normally you only have one BGH in your deck so that increase can mean you don’t have the ability to play another card after you take out one of their huge minions. Then again it’s aggravating when you play a huge minion and they just play BGH to wipe it out…
Crazy that English has changed from incomprehensible to what we have today in just a thousand years. I mean sure that’s a long time in human years but still....
It actually works the exact same in XCOM: Enemy Within. Must be some weird bug in the engine.
Super Mario RPG was my first “true” RPG game. I didn’t even know what “RPG” stood for but I found it on a used rack and a clerk at the game store told me it was cool because your characters got stronger. I was like...ok - took it home and played it, was AMAZED at how good it was/how much I liked it. Next thing I know…
Man - I’ve been hanging around my kids too long, I saw “memory cards” and all I could think of was the cards from ‘the memory game’ and I was like...why?!
LOL I did too! Was like “Wow would you need to make decisions between like working on trailers or responding to comments? Then I read it again and was like ....oh” hahaha
First time I ran through the glowing see I was in the level 20’s in just my normal armor (raider armor pickups with a Synth chest at that point). I thought it was just one of those weird storms like the ones that hit Sanctuary until I found some bunker and upon leaving it told me the exit door went to the glowing sea.…