
what's worse:

right click, save image as, ctrl+p. in your face rich guy.

oooh burnt

no. ipad 20 will be gimped, maybe the ipad 21 tho...

enough juice to power 10,000 houses?! not to sound like an asshole, but what exactly did my red cross donation go to?

i think you should take matters into your own hands and do what u really mean to say.... get a new laptop

get a load of this guy. if you look closely, the gold coins reach the 90ft. mark. what a douche.

they should call it the odnetnin

the other slot is for your d*ck...

"This allows the people of Seoul to see these works without having to travel the globe."

also lets not forget the natural disaster that killed 1,000's of people as the precursor to the nuclear disaster. im not sure, but i dont think this is joblo grandpa in the city who suddenly had this immaculate sense of duty. these are probably people who lost their homes and love ones and feel this is what they're

so American.

dont know if i should go there... but lets also not forget some of the atrocities the Japanese partook in during WWII (e.g. rape of nanking). could any of these volunteers be WWII verteran who feel this is their redemption? quite the stretch, i know, but i have an active imagination.

"the Japanese are the Vulcans of earth"... ive had the EXACT same thought.

that's racist.

20. i'm a girl.

from the interview, he seems like a nice kid going through this legal mess. he should be more of a douchebag, and maybe they'll make an oscar-worthy movie about him.