
meet George Jetson. oh her? that's his housekeeper, Rosie the...

just thinking in the reverse.... Ni**aCop: the future of Detroit law enforcement.

the article's title should have been.... "What?! A Cube Inside a Loft Inside a Warehouse for Feng's Shuike!!".... k nvm, you might have to hear that to get it.

i'd rather see a "Ninja Jim" than a "Robot Jim". so if anyone wants to send money MY way... i'll see what i can do.

titanium?! they should have use animantium. that was the problem right there.

das racist. like how every light skinned black guy with cornrows in 2003 was Ludacris.

can't spell analogy without..... "ogy"

what's the point of the board and pieces again? if they're gonna change Monopoly up this much... they should have just ditched the board as well. and no more paper money? it was all about growing that stack!!!

and it shows..... OOOOOOOOOOH SNAP!!!

Dude, you're gettin' a Dell!

i saw an episode of Iron Chef Japan where Iron Chef Morimoto made faux sushi with the theme ingredient: Bell Peppers. he took a red bell pepper and sliced it up like a piece of tuna. then he marinated it in soy sauce and wasabi and whatnot and made bell pepper nigiri. it looked exactly like a legit piece of tuna

that jet just farted on the bomber.

YES! now i can finally use those free flash drives i got from Preparation H.

i wonder how this will hold up in a battle against hulk hands

maybe that's just some natural occurring phenomenon at that spot. in year 2011 we think it's Aliens, and in the year 11 they thought it was God hence, making it a religious landmark?

@Captain_Grumpy: to sum up what the guy below me said: its b/c the UFO's have anti-motion blur technology.

@Jackson the Narcisisst: i dont think the comment was meant to bomb on Islam specifically, but rather all religion.

@Jackson the Narcisisst: "The Jewish believe..." doesn't make sense. there's no subject in the sentence. "jewish" is an adjective. they should have said "jews". and i know a lot of people who think that's a derogatory word or something that can only be said by jews themselves (like the n-word). but its not. its an ok