
That's fair enough. It seemed okay to me, as long as he wasn't doing that every night or letting him have any more than that in one evening. I didn't see him as a great Dad by any stretch but more of a feckless poor man doing his best.
Plus, to be honest, if I needed stitches from a nervous child I'd probably give

I didn't see the whiskey thing as remotely abusive, though I've noticed a few US commenters suggesting it was, is there a cultural difference here (I'm a UK commenter, not flaming, just asking)?

If you want to get out of urban settings but still have that authentic Gothic Horror feel the Island of Dr Moreau is still deeply creepy and awesome.

Apologies for nitpicking but it's a bit of a pet peeve (plus I've got a literature degree and I wrote my dissertation on Gothic Horror and I really think I ought to use it for something… even if it's just correcting minor points in internet comment threads, damn it): Frankenstein is not a Victorian creation. It was

Is it… is that Dolph Lundgren as Jaime Lannister I see? And Christopher Walken as Tywin? That is weirdly inspired madness. And I badly want to see them try to play father and son, it would be breathtaking for all the wrong reasons.
Mind you they're right that Gillian Anderson would have been brilliant as Cat Stark

I liked the episode but seriously, Ollie, when your friend and sidekick is blasted with so much electricity that it visibly arcs through the air and smashes him in to a wall it's probably best to make sure he's okay. I mean yes, he had a bit of a fight with DC Iron Man afterwards but then he just sort of… wandered

Check him out in Sean Lock's exceptionally weird sitcom 'Fifteen Stories High' if you want to get a sense of his range, he's an utterly different, brilliantly played character and it made me do a serious double take when I first saw him in this. It looks like the whole thing may be on YouTube (though I don't know

TMWRNJ and Fist of Fun perhaps? I watched them again recently to see how they've aged and… they're absolutely perfectly imperfect and often breathtakingly funny.

Well I've put on my DMs and they're extremely comfortable, how does this relate to Game of Thrones? Of course they weren't comfortable at first but after treading them in you really begin to feel it, though they might technically be Grinders rather than actual Doc Martens now that I think about it.

A minor niggle: Cobra is a real part of the British
government (it stands for Cabinet Office Briefing Room A), it's an
emergency committee… and it is still a hopelessly ominous name o.O.

I see what you mean. For me it was more about the cruelty of taking away this thing she's been desperate for all the way through and leaving her to die in the process. He's robbing her of life and the fruits of his rape and giving her time to let the enormity of it sink in before she dies. Not to mention the

Great reviews and I hate to nitpick (actually…no, I love to nitpick, sorry), but Crixus didn't "stab Lucretia in the gut, content to let her bleed out", it's far, far nastier than that: He stabbed her in the *womb* after she reveals she's pregnant with his child. It's a brutal, barbaric thing to do and it's testament

Because it was an the most 'The Hound' thing to do in a fight. He is/was an absolute nihilist in the most hilarious way. Also because we know he isn't a misogynist, he doesn't like anyone (apart from, as we just found out, Arya… excuse me, there's something in my eye) and couldn't give less of a toss about what