
I think this is pretty great. Nintendo is making money, this game is getting more press after coverage slowed down, and chumps online are going to be super salty seeing people in this cars winning races.

I call him Ganon like I call Michael Mike, or Thomas Tom. I know the difference between them all but when I'm talking about Ganondorf I'll use that or Ganon interchangeably lol.

Cute? This is fuckin horrifying.

Ugh. Call me insensitive or whatever you want, but I'm so tired of people clinging to "9/11 imagery" as a source of great outrage. At some point we need to let skyscrapers get destroyed in a film without Americans flipping their shit over how "insensitive" it is, or how the director must be a terrorist or something.

Interesting story but I have to say that a lot of what I guess you could call their hardships would have probably been handled differently by developers with more experience. I would imagine that for one thing, scheduling. He tries to justify stretching their time to 13 months (when they were initially aiming for two)

Lol yes please. I love when something is so completely ridiculous that you skip over ridiculing it and can just love it in an almost ironic way.

If you're after simpler lighter flicks then yea, Marvels shotgun approach is doing pretty fine. DC's films lately tend to go for a darker "grounded" approach to things which is a nice change from what Marvel brings to the table. I like what both companies have been doing and I enjoyed Nolan's work and MoS was pretty

Fuck up Superman? He's already the most boring superhero to have in anything. He's an unkillable god with any power you can imagine. Hard to make that interesting. Man of Steel at least gave us spectacle though and that's what I liked about it.

Kickstarter is not a preorder service. I hope people realize that and not try and label this as some kind of scam. However I don't know much about game development but 250k seems a bit low for a project that ambitious. I would have felt like they were biting off more than they could possibly chew and questioned their

Don't choke on that thing bruh. Clearly you're a huge Apple fan but that doesn't make what greatdragon said an "idiotic attempt to troll". Arguably I'd see it as a legit concern if you didn't know that the phone department was separate from...whatever he's saying his a part of. There was no "destroying" just stating

"He's exaggerating, what could possibly taint a new Tri Ace game that badly"

Wow this....I am truly grateful to live in a world where great moments can be captured and saved forever and ever in endless loops. Please internet make this an eternal meme.

Even knowing it's spelled "Gojira" when directly translated, I have to thank whoever came up with Godzilla. He's pretty fucking godly. The new movie does a great job of portraying his majesty as well.

Strong crush the weak. If I'm in prison and I make someone my bitch, I'll probably name them Tiffany after this guys German Shepherd I met on Call of Duty Ghosts (GSD killstreak, get it? It's a bitch joke).

Watching the monsters move in the game makes it obvious that they've got some pretty intelligent folks putting real thought into these things behind the scenes. They've done a great job of bringing a "realness" to the creatures and it's great. One of the things I really love about the series.

The main reason is install base and market presence. The 3DS is simply a juggernaut so it was only natural to see the game on that console. It wouldn't make sense to release one on PS3/360 at this point because the 4 and One are in the spotlight now. Launching on PS4 and XBone wouldn't be ideal either because of their

It's still pretty decent yea. I recently started playing again myself along with 7 or 8 friends (3 had just bought their Wii Us). I've already added on another 300 hours in the last 4 weeks....It's a great game and with 4 coming in early 2015 it's a great time to get back into things.

Not really stupid to think Ness will get the axe. They're cutting characters which is a fact. Nothing about Ness is particularly relevant nowadays. His only appearances lately have been the Smash games. If there is going to be a Mother representative at all (and I don't think we need one honestly) it will have to be

Ganondorf = clone. Luigi = clone. Roy was a clone. Falco, Wolf, Ken, Akuma, Yang, Pyrrha, Siegfried. I could go on forever but the point is "clones" exist in fighting games. However the only people who get feel concerned about that are people who have no idea how fighting games work on the most obvious technical level

I honestly don't think we'll see both Ness AND Lucas returning. Likely at least one of them though.