
This will only surprise people unfamiliar with the FGC. Ask any pro player and they'll all say "use what you're comfortable with". Nothing about an arcade stick will make you a better player or any other controller for that matter.

I really enjoyed Tera in my initial run through and later revisit. However I've been waiting for them to add actual new content and raise the level cap. They've just been giving everyone an example of what "power creep" is by releasing new gear tiers and not much else.

I glanced at the headline and instantly though "What why? Stop wasting time and make Borderlands 3!" But I realized it said first person MOBA so it could at least be interesting....Still can't stop myself from hoping it bombs so they can make stuff I like. Selfish as hell I know, but thems my inner thoughts.

If any current series can do it and maintain the same level of quality it's One Piece. It's not the smartest series or best looking. But it's got creativity and style as well as a plot that isn't too busy tripping over it's own dick trying to be smarter than it really is.

First off, the existence of this game is fan service.

Magic armor and Cave of Ordeals. Shit was fun. I guess if you wanna run through the main story and get your kicks that's fine but you'll find that most people out there will always go through some amount of side adventures.

You said Tingle which blows up any credibility your whole argument could have had. He's the definition of useless side character who randomly got some attention with a spinoff title.

I keep seeing this series and keep glossing over it's existence and ignoring every post. Funny enough, this post made me think "they're trying really hard to get my attention".

That's all well and good, and I'm not trying to sound sexist now (seriously, I follow a lot of the female fighting game pros on the youtub) but how often do female competitive gameplayers win major events? Comparatively they're still very underrepresented. There just aren't that many. That means there's an even

Thank goodness. I knew the rest of the world loved this movie but the US slept on it so I was worried we wouldn't be able to go back to that world. Now we've got a sequel and an animated series that could potentially expand the universe! (Or be aimed at children and dumb down the whole franchise)

I want to see the new Godzilla design featured in a (good) game. I want a damn Godzilla renaissance. Make the big G a household name again like when I was a kid. Giant monsters should be the next Hollywood fad, like superheroes. How great would that be?

There will always be experts on either side of any advancement weighing in with their own thoughts based on what they've learned over the years. While they might not be as numerous, there will also be scientists, thinkers and the like who have a more hopeful outlook when it comes to advancements like this. As we move

Again, he still doesn't say that's Link so much as "you have to show Link in a Zelda trailer. He goes on to say that he doesn't want to define who Link is and that Link represents the player which to me sounds like he's talking about character customization and possibly even gender selection.

Lol "stoop to any level". Okay I'm done. Some guy on the internet is trying to tell me I'm not having fun. I feel like I just opened to door to some Jehova's Witnesses and they're attempting to talk me out of my hedonistic lifestyle.

Of course he's not going to want to say anything. The Fake Outrage Warriors are out for blood. Just look how long an article about a loaded question got with a reply that amounts to "..."

Sounds good to me. As soon as they confirmed changing things up didn't mean "Legend of Zelda: First Person Go Karting Miyamoto Prototest" I was open to any and all changes.

No he wasn't? And if we're going with the other gender theory then I'd say Linka or whatever the feminisation of Link is.

I have a dream, that one day we will live in a world where M ratings on a Nintendo game are not considered newsworthy.

Me and my brother made the same Link/Gerudo/Ganondorf observation about the clothing in the clip. How cool would it be for Link to be raised in a Gerudo settlement this time around? It would be pretty cool to have a rival in the Gerudo tribe who would eventually become the Gerudo King Ganondorf style...but I'm getting

Where do you have to live to see something this tame as "porn". How deep into the bible belt do you have to believe that well endowed women must have tumors on their chests?