
So what? We're supposed to live our lives in fear of what may or may not come to pass? I don't know about you but I don't have the energy to waste on such silly bullshit. But hey if we're going to arbitrarily pick examples and copypaste them to this situation then lets do it.

Gross. "Happy making enemies". So you mean to tell me that in your world, anybody who doesn't play the way you play is asking for enemies? That's fucked up. Ironically that's more closeminded and elitist than any professional I've ever run into at a tournament. Aside from Filipino Champ. Fuck that dude.

I don't think it was intentional but you cracked me up. "You know what those starving people see when they go to YouTube?"

Not a fan perspective at all. Look at opinions from market analysts if you need to. Or sit back and ask yourself questions and think about real answers. Why is Nintendo in the position they're in right now? Abysmal marketing, an arrogant approach to their launch lineup, disconnected from the rest of reality.

Right? And I thought I hated the whole your/you're thing. Because of this my tolerance for "your" has shot up exponentially.

King of the lab!

Eh, I'll have to pass yet again. I preferred the actual competition focus of 1-8 rather than whatever they're doing now. The Bowser aspect is interesting but I can't get past the whole everyone-moving-together mechanic.

We said the same thing about the PS3 when they were lagging behind in the early days. The 3DS was also doing pretty poorly early on with it's lack of games. There's still plenty of time for Nintendo to fix their position. Not to mention this wasn't the only major announcement of the day for them.

"Everything the light touches is our kingdom"

To a degree. But not open in the way Aounuma wanted and he details that in the video. This one is more on par with what we've come to appreciate in other games like Skyrim's world or GTAV etc.

The ignorance in statements like this never cease to amaze me. But I guess I can't really blame you or people like you for having this opinion. It's not like our governments actively teach how the food economy works.

I think it's just your perception of him that's clouding the way you perceive everything he does. I think if there is any hint of things going to his head, it's rightly deserved. I'm sick of science taking a backseat to everything else out there. We need it to be front and center. Mainstream if you will. And if we

No, think about it. It makes perfect sense that being airborne would help you to maintain momentum better than being on the ground. If you've got fire coming out the back of your kart then wheels on the ground would create friction that would slow you down. Staying in the means one less force acting against your

I think EVs are the best example of something "not in the manual" that people still utilized and it eventually came around to being a mainstream thing. Before it was just supposed to be a mysterious thing. "Wild Pokemon of the same level aren't as strong as those trained...whyyyyy?" and then people discover EVs and GF

The left and right hops are just course correction while hopping to stay in the right position. The technique itself is really easy to do and easy to understand, so just do it. Add to your list of tools you use to win races.

No it doesn't. Anyone out there playing the game will eventually come across this information somehow. Whether it be through videos online or friends who play the game to the extreme. It's a really really easy thing to do and really simple to understand. It causes no imbalance.

Pitiful and bitter human beings? According to who? I look at the fight game community and the esports community and I just see regular people who are also paid to play games. The pitiful bitter commenting I see usually comes from people who see things like this and get upset and shout about how it isn't "intended" and

I certainly don't think there are any biases at least as far as he games are concerned (Gawker just HATES Michael Bay lol). I always get the impression the writers are like any group, each with their own likes and dislikes but nothing so overarching as a conspiratorial bias. However considering the Wii U has been in

You should check out MK8 then. They did a really good job of making this game less reliant on attack items and more dependent on player skill. Mushrooms are far more common than red shells and other attack items so it's up to the player to navigate a course well enough in order to win more than it was in past titles.