Oh duh, I'm dumb lol. My dad has a receiver predating HDMI and yes, setting up audio for him when we got him new speakers was pretty annoying
Oh duh, I'm dumb lol. My dad has a receiver predating HDMI and yes, setting up audio for him when we got him new speakers was pretty annoying
Comes with the territory of being an early adopter in this era of tech. Phones, tablets, consoles and such all have potential for these sorts of problems now that we're working with things like firmware and patches and shit. So long as the problems aren't real bad hardware issues I can keep on living with that. I see…
As if this has been happening for decades. I don't remember this kind of thing being a problem with the Gamecube, Wii, NES, Playstation 1, 2, Xbox, Gameboys, DSs, etc etc. This is a byproduct of the digital age and this sort of problem applies to most tech nowadays. The risk comes with the territory.
I laughed at the "MS goes big" remark. That Xbox One event was pathetic. The PS4 event was shit too but the Xbox One event made that one at least look halfway decent. You were just expecting way too much from what seems like a somewhat last minute event anyway. The fact that we got one teaser for something new is…
The PS4 has been out for 2 hours, let the guys at ND put out a 4th title of their beloved series before they do another new IP. We JUST got The Last of Us and that was preceded by Uncharted 3. Do you really think they're going to release one single game during the whole console's life? Be realistic. Let the PS4…
It's pretty early in the new gen. Like, really early. We've got at least a decade to go. I'm more than certain we're going to see some great stuff from these folks.
It's been so damn long since the last console release (not counting the WiiU) that I forgot about all the little fanboy debates and sour grapes that come along with it. "Ah HA HA! We get X!" "Oh ho HO well we sir, will have Y!" I miss this man, I really do.
Actually I'll be playing Titanfall on my gaming rig. I'd tack on that silly ass laugh you two are doing but I don't want to be a third wheel. Titanfall looks dope as fuck though, this other guy is high as a kite if he thinks it looks generic.
"Hella fortnights" You just made my fucking day. I hope I get a chance to use that one pretty soon.
More like poor you! He says at the beginning "Had to ask about The Last Guardian". Pretty clear he was the one asking the questions here. Next time you see that gun, don't jump it bro.
Burning Chrome said it better than I was going to. This here is simply an aesthetic look, nothing more. Calm thy tits.
Pretty well hidden. I had been wondering where it was for a little while. I also just realized exactly where the disc drive was. You can barely see it and I think that's pretty cool.
I didn't realize what was going on for a second...that made me laugh so hard.
Oh this is pretty cool. I'm pretty excited for the release later tonight. It's odd I barely felt much excitement for the WiiU on release (I was more pumped for Monster Hunter than the system itself). I think Nintendo could benefit a lot from giving a shit about their image and trying to get out there and do it big…
Rest assured you're in the minority. Companies having been taking shots at each other for decades (centuries even?) When you've got two similar competing products you're going to have competition and when there is competition there is going to be trash talk. Take competing American cell phone carriers, cable/satellite…
You're going to sit there and compare something like this to going on a shooting spree? Seriously?
You can apply this "review" to just about any console at launch. Nothing has enough games that would make it worth buying day one. It's always six months later. That said, I tend to buy things around launch just to show support. Consoles that get off to a good start are the ones that tend to make deals with game devs…
Dunno why but that "the ending's tone may betray the rest of the game" comment made me completely uninterested in this game. Oh well, not like it was on my radar before anyway.
I just LOVE all the people trying to warp this into some huge "issue" calling it poor design or blaming this as an example of Sony cutting costs. As if missing a thin rubber foot saved them oodles of dollars.
It lacks a 2mm thick rubber foot on a side and you call that a clear "problem"? Even if this were the Xbox or anything for that matter I can't imagine how that was an issue. Maybe if this were a really tall PC tower or a table or desk or chair. But it's not.