1) It's not an Xbox so not I don't think it'll be eating any discs
1) It's not an Xbox so not I don't think it'll be eating any discs
They do a pretty decent job of educating folk about stuff like this in California and that might spread through the US and we may even see some change. Problem is it seems like the other side of the world just doesn't give a fuck at all.
Legit question, am I missing something? I just use an HDMI cable through my receiver and set the audio up through the options in the UI. I think I remember my brother having problems with surround sound on his setup with my console but I'm pretty sure surround sound worked fine for me.
The console battles are fought simply for money. Think of things in terms of fiscal year by fiscal year. One year A console does better than B console. A console's mother company sees growth in stocks, more faith is built, more games are developed more deals made. The console wars are won battle by yearly battle.…
Except nothing about that opinion is "objective". Right off the bat you're comparing it to other things. One of them being another Zelda game and calling it a "downgrade" from that.
I think 20 minutes in OoT was a good amount of time. If the first dungeon is only 2 minutes long can you really call it a dungeon? OoT at least had a real first dungeon after the initial 20 minute build up and things got moving pretty quick. Miyamoto and his love of handholding bogged down Skyward Sword quite a bit…
If you wanna be ghetto fancy you could do what a friend of mine did with his PS3 and buy cable extenders and have your cables + drive any size you want hanging out of your system like spilled guts.
It's not just software. It's like any smartphone or tablet nowadays, it has it's own allocated memory to do with whatever it needs. There are things like the game DVR functionality that would need it's own untouched space and locking of 92gbs for it is better than leaving it up to the average user (who is an idiot)…
I love Sony's newfound sense of humor for this generation. I think I may consciously convert myself into a Sony fanboy for shiggles. The Vita game streaming looks much crappier than they promised initially and the lack of MP3 playback at launch makes me sad, but overall I like where Sony appears to be going with this.
It's cheap yea but in my opinion feels better than the default Xbox 360's flimsy little things. Of course the way to go is your own headset.
Yea tell Katy to go back and hide in her kitchen where she can be modest in her burka and apron?
Everyone likes to pull out the examples of over the top sexy females from the Metal Gear series. It's an improvement though from people assuming this was some new thing and Kojima had "lost his way".
Just to clarify, Raiden in MGS4 and Revengeance was running around in a catsuit with his manly booty and muscles on display for all to see. Thrusting his that phallic sword into the body's of half naked dudes like Vamp or other catsuit clad men. There are so many instances of idealized sexualized males in all forms of…
Why not do it with male characters? Lol have you played Metal Gear? Have you seen Raiden and Vamp at all or the battles they have that are mixed with just a little innuendo? Do you even have educated opinions about anything or do you just like to go with what other people are saying without having any actual…
I'm down in California and I was dealing with a sluggish modem after the XBL problems started last night. My modem even froze up today and I had to call and have the automated system reset it. That's when I found out there were issues with XBL. Not sure if the issues are related but definitely a coincidence.
I skipped Blops 2 because I was starting to get franchise fatigue and my brother's girlfriend said a lot of things about it bothered her. I got Ghosts after not touching a shooter in 6 months so I guess things that are bothering a lot of the pros aren't getting on my nerves as much but I can definitely say they've got…
This started happening to me last night. The weird thing is my brother who is in the same house on another console wasn't having any issues when I was, but before that he was lagging a lot and I wasn't.
The fact that you think that Kotaku and the popular comments are the majority speaks volumes.
You could say the same thing about the League community. That massive playerbase only gives you a larger sample size of human personalities from all walks of life. It's the bad ones that are the most vocal all the time.
Why hadn't I heard of Leo sooner? The level of detail in this video made everything oh so much funnier.