
Yea 35 seconds in and I busted out laughing. All the hoopla around the resolution these last couple days made that bit almost bring me to tears.

I love MMOs but never played WoW and don't think I ever will. I've been saying for years if they want to get me interested they'd need a complete graphical overhaul. These look like nice updates to the models considering how old this game is, but I just don't think it would be technically possible for them to update

You make no sense. For one thing they had said a long time ago (I think before 2 came out or right after 2 was released) that Mass Effect was going to be a long running franchise, not just a trilogy.

Launch lineups are almost always weak compared to the initial hype around a console. How many years has it been and we're still surprised that the XBone and the PS4 have semi weak lineups after a few caveats?

I know what you mean since I did the same, just came to the opposite conclusion. The launch games for the XBone feel mediocre to me. Never was really into Dead Rising, Ryse looks terribly boring (to me at least. God of War drained my interest of anything ancient Roman/Greek), and I'm worried about Killer Instinct

Yea I'm all for including tech in the box so that devs have a safe reason to mess with it. It makes perfect sense on paper but I think it would have been a good idea for Microsoft to at least have a sku that was without Kinect. I know it's integral to the operating system but I'd rather shell out the 100$ later down

Except again with Battlefield 4, the PS4 natively puts out at a higher resolution than the XBone. It's not just "hey this one game is an anomally." It is a trend of games performing worse than they do on the competing system. 1080p isn't the issue, it's performance comparisons that people are making here.

I hope there's another one of these in 6 months when I'll feel like upgrading my 680 (maybe, depends on how my performance will be for games I want and how much the card goes for on craigslist).

Very nice looking though I have to say I like the upcoming Zelda edition better. Now if this 3DS was primarily silver like the Zelda one is gold then I'd probably be having some kinda panic attack.

This is pretty cool. I hope downloading trailers off the bat becomes a thing in the future. Not having to worry about buffering and bandwidth is cool. And this video finished downloading in less than two minutes.

I laughed harder than I should have....or maybe exactly as much as I needed.

I see a lot of "later down the line the XBone will be able to compete!". It's not as if the PS4 piqued at launch and will stand still thereafter. We've gotten to a point where devs are really going to be able to utilize the power at hand for a lot of things and have differing tiers of quality. Number of npcs, AI

Actually you show them side by side on screens that are capable of putting out 1080p or higher and they'll easily notice the difference. Try playing a moving on a computer monitor in one resolution then the other. It's quite a noticeable difference especially once you get used to it. I used to think there was no

Slogging through this debate thread and your comment sticks out. I think you forget that at one point the XBone was going to disallow used games. Being able to "share" them was just a way for them to try and distract people away from the fact that they weren't going to be able to do what they always did with their

Pretty cool and not too bad a price. I like gaming laptops though I tend to lean toward Asus. I've got my own desktop rig and two gaming laptops (one is my wifes) and the convenience of the laptops makes up for price to power differences in my opinion. I'm about due for an upgrade though and might look into these if

I would not mind annual Batman games one bit. I was worried at first about how Arkham Origins would compare to Rocksteady's work. And then I fought Slade... The game stays true to the feeling of the others and there are plenty of great improvements to things like combat and travel. We can have a relationship like the

Cool. I can't say I was worried but it did cause a little blip of concern because I was only planning on buying one AC4 for my house (me and my brother are both getting PS4's so we share single player games most of the time).

Paying a little bit to play online is fine by me. I'm used to it from paying for XBL. Last I checked PS+ is by comparison really cheap. If it means better connection quality, server maint and whatnot then hooray, more power to them.

It's nothing to do with Sony's end of things. Wired connections are simply more reliable than wireless will ever be (for the conceivable future). There are too many variables introduced when you're talking wireless, from interference of other networks to other devices screwing with the signal. It's easier for Sony to

Your problem is you're basing your assumptions on functionality off of one picture alone without knowing how the armor actually works. Not to mention you are also confusing your cosmetic tastes with functionality. Using the Combine as an example of doing it right sort of nullifies any weight your opinion as an