Fans will say Tali still looks good because it's Tali or they will say she doesn't look good enough because it's Tali. Tali fans are impossible to please really and Bioware knew that lol.
Fans will say Tali still looks good because it's Tali or they will say she doesn't look good enough because it's Tali. Tali fans are impossible to please really and Bioware knew that lol.
I used to be worried about him not finishing the series before he died. That was before I discovered Brandon Sanderson. If the series needs finishing I'd trust him to do it justice. And if it's never finished? Well Sanderson's Stormlight Archive is pretty damn good so far.
Some people are just easily intimidated. Fact is there are millions of people around the world who just casually play League and they can do so comfortably because matchmaking for the most part keeps them away from the more hardcore players. Not to mention there are game modes strictly aimed at having fun as well as…
You're right I completely forgot about marketing. And it's not just marketing their own product either. The lead behind The Wonderful 101 recently expressed concern over a lack of marketing for his game. If Nintendo shows themselves to be incompetent marketers for 3rd party projects then they wont be trusted. After…
It kind of surprised me that Nintendo is still playing the amateur this generation. I figured they'd be bringing some knowledge into the ring with the Wii U but they've been making a lot of mistakes like naming it Wii U in the first place, or how they underestimated how much manpower HD development required.
Who says you need to make the entry level that high? Look at League of Legends or Marvel vs Capcom. They're pretty simplistic and can be played by anyone and anyone can have fun. However they also leave open the ability for people to play them at a competitive level. Stop seeing in black and white.
I'm not part of the Smash community, I just play games. I can understand where people in the Smash community are coming from when they express disappointment.
I promised myself that if this Woody ever returned I would definitely import. Time to make good on that.
I hope Nintendo takes note. Sakurai isn't in the right when he goes and turns his back on a community this dedicated so he can cater heavily to casuals. Hopefully the next Smash will strike a nice balance again and all will be well (and I'll give full credit for that to Namco)
Didn't know we were required to play with items off. I wonder why they added the option to turn them off in the first place...hmm.
I and millions of gamers have been saying this forever but it seems to fall on deaf ears. Lets see more industry professionals realize this and put it out there.
I've gotten jumped and defeated by a tarantula three times now. The most recent time I came out of my house and opened up my inventory making sure I had what I was getting rid of. I noticed a dark shape off to the side of my house under a flower. I pulled out my net fast as I could but I got antsy and missed my swing…
If you're talking about tournament level play then yes you'd need to spend more time in training each day. An hour or two in training and some time playing matches each day would be enough and that's not close to "dedicating your life". Sakurai used to play games competitively and you can see that nature reflected in…
Glad he's out, but he's not out of the woods yet. A decade in prison is the maximum sentence yes but I really doubt that after all this he'll get maximum. He deserves some backlash for being stupid on the internet where people can see who he is though.
I think all this shameful PR Nintendo's been getting lately will eventually make them a better company. Right now they're almost on their way to being an asshole company like Activision a few years back.
So you think it's alright for Nintendo to just outright go against what fans want? Sure they have a right to do whatever they want with their games. Block "let's play" videos, ban them from tournaments and what have you, but is it the right thing to do? Fans want to do something completely reasonable in this case and…
Who is Sakurai to decide how much time a person puts into a game? As if putting in time can't be fun? Look at Monster Hunter. Anyone at any level can get into that game. The more you play the more efficient you get and you can drop endless hours into the game.
Oh I said Twi'lek but I meant Togruta lol
I agree open worlds and complete freedom should be the future of gaming. I can't think of a game that wouldn't benefit from wide open world exploration. Too many different genres have examples of it being done well so why not more.