Now I know where to put my chocolate fountain...
Now I know where to put my chocolate fountain...
I'm glad this Animal Crossing is getting so much exposure. I love the series and I feel like this was the perfect point in time to release the game.
Kinda annoys me they stuck with calling this game Dragon Quest X. I'll pass on this even if it comes stateside and wait for DQXI. Hopefully that gets back to what I like the series for. I love MMOs but this one looks pretty damn boring.
It didn't surprise me that Nintendo was ready to block streaming of the game. They aren't really known as the type to take fan feedback to heart. They're more of the philosophy of "we know what's best" and this gen has seen blunder after blunder. I'm not sure what Sakurai still has against the competitive scene but…
Melee already was balanced enough for competitive play so I don't know what you're really getting at. It's even appearing at EVO this year. And Smash 64, broken as it was, was also balanced characterwise enough to be played at a competitive level. It really doesn't take much at all. I don't get why some people think…
Sounds reasonable to me. I can relate because I bought the 360 first because my friends all had one and I got the PS3 months later (late 06) because at the time it seemed like that's where the RPGs would be. I buy single player games on PS3 and multiplayer games on 360 though I occasionally I switch that around, I…
Not sure what there is to fear. Del Toro has proven himself time and time again. I trust the man completely.
Why wouldn't punching them in the face work? And who says it's a "weakness"? More like simple logic. The mechs are so large that the force generated by their blows seems to be enough to hurt the monsters. Studying their biology so you could create biological weapons tailored for their make up would be far more…
Tell that to the folks who just can't let go of Melee. It was (and I guess still is) a glimpse at the game in a competitive light. They went all casual with Brawl and are going to now try and find a middle ground with this one but I think any credit in them succeeding at that would be thanks to Namco and not Sakurai,…
Everything discussed here had already been picked apart on forums and other sites. Nothing new in this interview that was old when I commented on it. I'm commenting on calling the man a genius, that's it.
What is there in the article that is new info? Everything in here has already been picked apart on forums and other sites. I'm replying to headline alone yes but only because there isn't going to be any new information for it for a while. I already know how he's attempting his balance for this game and the other small…
Not complaining at all, just stating that the franchise has been milked in the past. Even if the results of said milking are good it's still milking. Disney doing the same thing doesn't really change anything in my opinion.
I stopped playing after I got the Twi'lek companion that wasn't even finished yet. Killed my immersion every time I brought her out. Does anyone know if they finally gave her skin?
Good time to be a Tales fan again. After the drought of Tales games and worry about the end of the series in the west I'm glad to see things are truly turning around.
Sometimes you just have to watch your mouth. A comedian could "joke" about shooting up some place on stage because the context and location for it make it obvious that he's not serious. You take the same lines and post them up online on somewhere like Facebook and things are a lot different. Cry wolf in the middle of…
The design itself isn't all that great but dat gold on black is sick as fuck. Hope they do some sort of Zelda themed 3DS for NA this year. I just bought the Animal Crossing 3DS but I'd buy something like that too no hesitation.
Lucas whored this series out far more than any company possibly could already. Toys, cartoons, endless videogames, animated everything, food, clothing, spin offs, tie ins, cameos etc etc etc. Disney is simply going to be a set of fresh ideas on how to milk the Star Wars udders and I think it's fine. They cancelled…
Yea this guy doesn't need to be leading anything anymore. Ubi did him a favor kicking him to the curb.
Hm. Fox got some respect from me today. Shocking.
"Genius" is a bit of a stretch. This is a guy who didn't think to balance casual and "hardcore" catering with his third game. Other good fighting games have been doing this for years. Sakurai is not so much a genius. More of a smart person with good creative ideas.