
This is in Japan mind you, shit like this kinda flies over there. Not to mention a majority of the people buying this thing already owned a 3DS or DSi/DSiXL. Considering used game and electronic sales are not nearly as big in Japan as they are in the west, it's not that big a deal. Not to mention there appear to be

Is anyone really surprised that there's been no word on a Vita release when they already said it would first be a 3DS exclusive? And how many Japanese players can really be upset with no Vita release? The thing is still not doing very well. The game would of course sell systems but Capcom is going to place their bets

Sounds fine by me. And glad to see more developers taking advantage of the ability to install the games. Tired of all that wasted space on my 250gb hard drives.

Either way, I found the first one funny as fuck. Skipping the rest though because I'm trying to steer clear of all the sexist/racist related topics that pop up on Kotaku because I always waste too much damn time in the comments.

Honestly you make some good points that I agree with and we seem to even share some philosophical viewpoints on life lessons but really you're coming off as really black and white in your world views. You act as if lying to a kid is the height of villainy and that if you tell your kids lies they'll lose all respect

It's what you call a legacy. Originally, Atari failed and died. This "Atari of Legend" would really have no rights to exist anymore if things were as simple as "the people originally involved are gone, we are now dead".

I'm kinda sad that the resolution of the visuals as well as the 3D effect seems vastly improved in this model. Just means I actually have to buy it now rather than blow it off as "for the other folks".

I can only laugh because they made it out okay, but damn, this is the best way for kids to learn lessons. "Don't touch that iron, that shit is hot son". What does the kid do? Touches the iron, gets a minor burn, understands that hotness is hot and not fun.

This news made me really happy. If anyone can save Smash Bros, it's Namcobandai. Sakurai kinda ticked me off when he went and spat in the faces of some of his fans. The competitive scene for Smash may be small compared to the casual but they're still people. His actively working to turn everything anti competitive

I'm really glad they went with the XL. Beyond glad, I'm relieved. Now I don't have to go out and buy another handheld. If it was a two stick light model or something I'd grudgingly go trade in my 3DS and buy it but this is just a bigger model for people into that sort of thing. Maybe now we'll see a spike in 3DS sales

I'm glad to hear this. His own team apparently sucks ass at making a smash game. Brawl was alright, the story mode was dope as fuck, but on a competitive level it was obvious they were actively trying to make the game anti competitive. I'm just glad we've got hacked Brawl because I was already sick and tired of Melee

Not bad, they certainly look alien however when designing creatures it pays to keep in mind that to make believable looking creatures in this day and age the form has to have a function. A reason/advantage to all those limbs on creatures so large and what not.

That little saga right there is what engraved One Piece into my heart as one of my favorite manga series ever. Intense as fuck, and I'd throw epic around but the words lost all meaning.

I love the unique art style of One Piece. Pretty fucking refreshing after reading tons of chapters of other series by artists all looking too similar to one another. At least this guys got a style about him and it's something I really like, takes some getting used to I'm sure but from an artist's standpoint I was

Started reading this manga "Sun-Ken Rock" about this Japanese dude who goes to Korea and ends up running a gang. Got to this (seemingly) filler arch where he winds up managing a Korean girl group and that's where I learned about the whole "Honey Legs" concept that's apparently popular with the girl groups over there

I don't think funding will be that big an issue really, they're making bank off this series right now and so long as things appear to stay profitable they'll probably be able to float that budget. The big issues would be Martin's writing speed, or his age. He'll probably die before he finishes the books and the series

There are a lot of cool things under the surface of Pokemon, Black and White seemed to bring back a lot of the innuendo and veiled threats in a great way too lol.


Except it's not better than the 3DS when it launched because the 3DS managed to move more units. We're talking about this from a business perspective and the Vita's performance has been pretty lackluster.

Okay Mr. Serious, rain on the joke parade