Omega Centauri

If the scene at the Greatest Day waiting center is any indication, the redhats aren't going to the factory, but will be killed beforehand.

She got carried away during the action. Started out near the back, which was the appropriate lower risk placement for her. But, then each attack she got more eager to take the lead. Her lack of discipline led her to take that bullet.

I couldn't imagine the Green Zone attack, from what we saw could have had so many victims. It looked like the red hats were mostly just hunting down unprepared kids. I imagine like maybe a dozen greenzone resident victims, and two to three times as many red hands

I think Synder will see he is treated OK. He saved Bram, when all Bram had done for him, was play a crucial part in an epic disaster.

I saw camp here as more like a pre-arrival style summer camp -probably with a lot of indoctrination. Not, like the labor camp.

You don't really know much more than the actual characters would if it were real, and you were one of the. OK, you can maybe combine non-overlapping experiences from a few characters, but it still leaves the mystery a hundred times bigger than whats been revealed.

Obviously they would piggyback on existing cultural phenomena. So second coming, and rapture are all available memes to wrap a new religion around.

It would be easier for the Raps to simply eliminate the humans, probably with engineered plagues and such. They must have something in mind for the rump human race that survives the first few years.

That's Synder's opinion.
As far as I can tell, they have some unique religious-tech, that box that apparently projects a religious experience into the subjects mind. You'd think that would make it a powerful force. Doesn't mean a word of the doctrine is true, just that they have some great tricks to make it

We know that a real difficulty with potential Mars colonization, is that the radiation levels at the surface are too high, and you need to go underground. I think the moon is the same.

So many questions, they only dribble out answers very slowly.
Its hard for me to imagine the factory taking in a million new recruits in a day, wouldn't it work by a steady supply.

Its not ratings, its revenue that matters to the suits.

The first version of V had Willy, the second had his equivalent.

I'm thinking maybe humans can survive nearly on their own in a lot of environments the Raps can't, and they could be very useful, once they've been able to selectively breed humans to do their bidding. Gotta save those one in a million specimens.

Total distain for the pro's, no way could she give them anything.

I do agree, I did like her. Too, bad we won't be seeing anymore of her.

Its ordinary teenager rebelliousness amped up by exceedingly malevolent times. Can't expect anyone to behave normally.

They show isn't reveling much. It does look like they are using humans very inefficiently as a slave labor force, but they are clearly expendable. My guess is that they are stripping the planet, and most of the human population -perhaps all will die in the process. But if extermination was the only goal, they would

I think Jennifer's story shows that only psychopaths can survive on the occupation team. Have any actual sympathy for real people, and you will be caught out hiding something. And we certainly saw that at the Davo? meeting. Everyone treated total Rendition as something they needed to do to mollify the masters, the