
Well, if you want to get that specific, the first thing I thought was, "Wow, these two women and little girl could be in a shampoo commercial. Must be lots of clean water and conditioner in the zombie apocalypse."

I think what people are getting confused with is realizing that you can have character development without it being a boring episode. If it's done right, that character development makes the episode exciting. Other (good) shows are able to do it. Saying that a boring episode is good because it contained x amount of

And then they send her off.

I noticed the same thing. That's why grandpa sent him to get the new backgammon set, to get her to talk again. Speaking of which, tough sister went up to clear the zombies, but she couldn't pick up that game?

I was going to write nearly the same thing, though I would through in Lori. Or at least ghost Lori.

My guess is that they really wanted to play up Monica's issues and Serena's unlikability among the queens.

Word.  At some point in the episode I congratulated myself for having an idea of each queen and knowing their names, a feat it usually takes me a few more shows to accomplish.  Then they showed Vivienne and I was like, "Who?"  There goes that feeling of self-satisfaction. At least Honey is tall, so I notice her more.

I am sitting here alone yelling out "Bitch, you are from drag!  This is not RuPaul's best constructive criticism race!" as LaShawn Beyond and cracking up hard.  Thank you, smm.  Thank you so much.  I love this comment section.  It has to be the nicest yet bitchiest place on the internet.

"Your tone seems very pointed right now."

I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in this, but I get a Dida Ritz vibe from Monica.  I liked Dida's energy but she was always a bit off and lacked the confidence at that stage.  But every week, she won me over more and more.  So I understand what you mean by 'scrappy underdog' with Monica.

The shade!  The shade of it ALL!

Raja's runway was gag worthy, but as a total package I would have taken Manilla.  Still great runway, but personality, comedy, wit, and presence.  The fact that she and Nina weren't in the final for All Stars kills me.

@PaganPoet:disqus : YES!  I've been saying (in my head, but it's noisy in there) for years that someone should do Bjork.  Just make a swan dress out of toilet paper, there's your dress.  There's just so much material.  I have no idea why she's not more of a drag icon.  She's my icon, and I wear a shirt and tie to

People were put off by Willam in the first episode (not me, that bitch had me at licking make up boxes when entering), but she's arguably the most popular from S4 along with Sharon.  And that season had the most high quality queens.  Sigh…I can deal with not having the others in Untucked, but without the grounding

She was, by far, the standout on those meet the queen videos.  She got the fact that it was an opportunity to introduce her character and play with the camera.  The others talked about singing Beyonce for the first time.  I mean really…

I'll tell you this, if her time on the show is edited to just showcase her relationship/drama with Sharon, their relationship will suffer even more.  I'm glad she was so candid early, hopefully it'll become an afterthought as we move forward.  Besides, how many of these bitches praising Sharon here would have been

Serena is from Panama.  I'm wondering if it's an American citizenship thing.  You can still be American if you were born on the Panama Canal area (a la John McCain).  Otherwise, the lack of Canadian drag Queens is an international incident of Cuban Missile Crisis proportions!

I have to disagree slightly.  I think Yara proved herself more in All Stars than in her season (where she also did well).  I thought she relied less on her hair/eyes in AS and more on her style and personality.  Have to agree on the Nina/Yara pairing, though.  They would have complimented each other well, while still

Every moment Nina Flowers is not on my TV/computer screen is wasted potential.  She is art.

I watched the Meet the Queens thing earlier today and although much of it's a blur, I think Serena held this ridiculous 'arty' pose while she was talking about her avant garde artistry or whatever.  I thought it was just a campy little play on it, but apparently she really believes herself. Unless I have her confused