Omar Khafagy

Poor decision, and a mega missed opportunity. They would have benefitted more by putting together a vision for where they wanted to take Feedly and making a Kickstarter campaign for a Pro feature set.

Just showing that they have a vision for the future would encourage many to pay up for Feedly's ambitions. As it

I understand what you're trying to say here, but I think your comparison is a little too simplistic.

With a condom, you're preventing sexually transmitted diseases. You're not protecting against getting a cold. That would require both of you wearing a mask. Or maybe an oral dam. Oh, and you don't wanna get lice, so you

Actually, you had your plots already done for you in your history.

The problem with worldbuilding is the tendency for people to outline so grandly that it becomes a form of procrastination. It gratifies the desire to plan and gives you the illusion of productivity.

At some point you have to contend with the fact that

Depending on the situation, this can backfire. When the conversation you are having is emotionally loaded and you mention yourself in order to gain common ground, you run the risk of having the other person think that you are only interested in talking about yourself.

Sure, I agree. But you have to know yourself (and your readership) well enough to be able to tell when you are being too harsh and when what you have written truly *does* suck. This isn't always easy, so when in doubt, publish it and see what happens.

Some thoughts:

I frequent Engadget and The Verge, but for the last few months I have seen mostly Fandroids. The Apple Fanboys remained silent. Every so often I see one pop up, and a year or two ago I'd have agreed that Apple fanboys are incorrigible. Lately they've been in the minority.

Rarely. I avoid Gizmodo primarily because of the comment sections. Tons of trolls, most of them not very insightful.

I see a big whiteboard in the picture, which leads me to wonder: how do you personally handle the offline/online divide? How do you prefer to get content from the offline world 'online'? Do you even bother with that?

Hang on, that's just not true Mark. We now know that Steve Jobs, while still involved with everything going on at Apple, had started handing off major aspects of his job to Tim Cook and others for at least a couple of years before his death.

Sweet. I'm on a jailbroken iPhone so this won't work so well for me. I'm going to see what I can do to mimic the idea. Once I figure out how, I'll be sure to share on this thread. Thanks!

I love your 'push-up' app idea. How would I set something like that up?

Agreed. Alanis Morissette needs to read this.

Did you try to add images? I'm not sure if I see any. I like that HOSTS file idea though.

Interesting idea! I like it! I think the reason I keep the reminders on my phone is that I can ignore it. But I will definitely look into this idea for other tasks that are much more time-based. Think the same functionality is achievable on a Mac using Applescripts?

Here's a little tip for getting over Facebook:

...Grammar. If you're going to troll for spelling errors, make sure you spell "grammar" properly.

I rinse off after the bath as well. Baths are rare for that reason.

Apple always finds new ways to innovate. Instead of brainwashing, they brain dry.

I shower before I take a bath. Sounds counter-intuitive to some, but a bath for me is not how I get clean. It's how I relax. Also, if you think sitting i na tepid pool of your own filth is bad, most of us sleep on a stagnant layer of our own dead skin-cells. Yeah. Pleasant dreams.