LOL - the same folks that eat Panera potato salad? I don’t know if that’s actually a thing, but I’m guessing they have that too.
LOL - the same folks that eat Panera potato salad? I don’t know if that’s actually a thing, but I’m guessing they have that too.
I mean, Jimmy John’s isn’t that bad. It's no Jersey Mike's though. It's a step up from Subway, which honestly is a low bar to begin with.
Glad you said this. While the president asking for help to meddle is one thing, there are very big real consequences — in this case, not as effecting to Americans as Trump’s usual shit — of what Trump was doing.
Ha! I was thinking like Omar from The Wire getting randomly taken down by a kid in a bodega. The problem with my analogy is that Omar was cool. Trump on the other hand...
This part right here!!!
Exact same.
Beat me to it on the Al Capone comparison. And all the people who say “well if we don’t nail Trump on the entire list of every reprehensible thing he did, then it will just empower other Republicans to do all those other things” ... again look to Al Capone, and how nobody anywhere walked away from his trial saying,…
While we’re admitting things: I like the Latinx people generally and as a whole so I am continually appalled at the migrant conditions at the border, particularly the separation and abuse of the children. They will be scarred for life.
As a Latin American man, I want nothing more than to see every one of these motherfuckers in jail for denial of civil liberties and human rights to immigrants and their children. But I don’t live in a world that gives two fucks about our peoples, so I’ll take what I can get. My hatred for this man and his…
I get it. This is much like Al Capone finally getting convicted for tax evasion. After all the crimes he committed, where everyone knew he did it, they got him on the only thing they could prove and it was a sliver of his real guilt. But they got him.
Lemme give you some perspective here. I’m married to a woman who’s half Lithuanian and half Ukrainian. Both of these countries’ populations were subjected to horrifying atrocities by the Soviets in their “Russian Imperialism: New Management, New Logo, Same Great Taste” guise. (My mother-in-law is deaf because of…
“And among that group are trolls, professional bigots, white supremacists, Nazi sympathizers and more of the very worst white people; an adoration due to the parallels between their sensibilities and his.”
I wonder if you watched the 30 minute extended part after the special? You know where Dave states he thinks Trump will win 2020 due how stupid the current democrats are. So there is that and he isn’t a Republican. So yeah, you Dems need to get your act together or you will have 4 more years of Trump.
Funny how when you punch down, you attract other people with a history of punching down.
Oh, this... this is beautiful.
black cosplay AND jet set radio...hell yes
Yeah, I’m sure he’ll get right on that after he checks to make sure Jussie Smollet has no outstanding library fines and his front facing landscaping meets HOA code.
Cops just wanna have fun.
I am replying to myself and my own article to let the record show that I am not racist since I wear white after Labor Day.
If you are playing something called Offroad Wood Transport Truck Driver 2018, you have issues that go beyond malware.