Want to take a long standing bet that one of them will end up as a Supreme Court Justice?
Want to take a long standing bet that one of them will end up as a Supreme Court Justice?
I heard a phrase the other day that seems apt - “fall up” (was in reference to Megyn Kelly). Some well meaning Dad’s Fortune 500 frat bros/execs will probably take them under their wing for being so poorly treated by the media and social media and so forth. (!) :|
Yup. Can get fired for being gay in like... checks... the majority of the states.
Thanks for saying this. A lot of people think LGBTQ people have the same rights as us. They REALLY don’t.
The Thin Blue Line Act essentially makes police officers a protected class—similar to minorities, LGBTQ people or women.
As with school shootings, ‘thoughts and prayers’ aren’t getting anywhere. They need ACTUAL help, not mystical.
Let me guess, you either live in a solidly Democratic or Republican state, am I right? Because here in the swing portions of the country, Obama’s push towards universal health care gave us eight years of Republican fuckery that we’re still dealing with today.
Here’s a fun number to consider: 0.
Sure, and along with Gillum and Abrams, he helped down ballot races a lot. And there’s something to be said about not emptying your bench. It’s certainly possible he could win, but my fear is what comes after, if he ruled from the center and had similar policies to Obama. I can only imagine the revanchist, fascist…
Tulsi Gabbard.
This is just the loose bills that were laying on the floorboards. The other briefcase with the $5k was "booked into evidence" (read: split between the four men in the pic).
Beto got more votes than Hillary Clinton did in Texas, in an off-year election. He did it by winning suburban counties, those which are essential to the Democrats chances in ‘20. Losing to a Republican in Texas should definitely *not* be a disqualifying event for any Democratic candidate. He won’t win Texas, but he…
Yeah no fucking way. I mean, ok, in the #metoo era, you are going to advocate to run the guy who got Clarence-fucking-Thomas on the high court while humiliating and hurting Anita Hill, RIGHT AFTER a bunch of women were basically put through an emotional cheese grater watching a repeat of that with Kavanaugh?
Sad Jimmy Carter.
Or... we stop conceding bullshit premises like ageism that magically do not apply to centrists his same age?
Ageist bullshit is neither “perfect” nor “true”.
>Alternately, Bernie himself could run for president. What would this accomplish?
Looking forward to being told I need to vote for Joe Biden in the primary “because he can win” despite there being no evidence to support that theory.
The only seasonings I use are: Sea Salt and Chipotle Black Pepper.
When will Black men stop being ashamed of their lack of follicles and grow the hell up and just wear a baseball cap everywhere like the rest of us bald guys!