Omar Rashidi Al-Amin

I cannot WAIT to see a Bill Cosby comedy show! I don’t care how old he is! Cosby is a comic genius! His critics are those who do not respect the American Justice System! Bill Cosby was ACQUITTED of murder charges, yet many act as if he was found guilty! He was also acquitted of the sexual assault charges, yet some

So, finally, we have a candidate for President of the United States, who is willing to use, international disrespect of the current President of the Country, for His personal political benefit!   Isn’t disrespect of the highest office in this land, disrespect to the American people?  Shouldn’t we all be offended??

Oh, I understood the joke immediately, because I’m from the south where black people were indeed ‘farm equipment’, or farm labor. It’s racist as hell, but kinda funny to. I wasn’t offended by it because it’s silly.

I don’t believe a Word that woman said! I don’t think the Police believe it either! This is just some lonely woman trying to get in on a hot case. Notice how her report fits what was on the news, Perfectly?! She even saw the ‘rope’. F.O.O.H. lady!! She saw a ‘Redneck’! Wouldn’t that be the perfect, stereotypical

Sister Davis should accept the award along with the apology. No one deserves the award more, certainly. I’m just happy that they corrected this heinous error. Love you Sister Davis.

His HAIRCUT is the least of our concern!  What we NEED to talk about is these ignorant ass black atheletes’s hatred of SELF and LOVE for White women!!

I do not believe that Kevin Hart ‘messed up’ in ANY way!! His original statements are perfectly understandable when viewed from the standpoint of a heterosexual.  NO heterosexual man wants a gay son!  That itself may be offensive to gay people, but heterosexual opinions should count also, shouldn’t they?  I am also

You’re a sister Anne. We’re proud of you. Be fair.

How are you going to lie down in bed with a man every night and accuse his people of practicing racism against you?, of discriminating against you, of working against your success?

Serena cannot have it both ways. She cannot pull the race card while she’s married to them. They’re either her ‘family’ or her enemy. They cannot be both. I am not sympathetic to Serena’s situation AT ALL! They have been doing this kind of thing to Serena and her sister, every since they’ve been in tennis. It didn’t