Listen this is bullshit. Clearly OBJ is lying because anyone who would go take a boat trip during an offweek can’t be trusted...
Listen this is bullshit. Clearly OBJ is lying because anyone who would go take a boat trip during an offweek can’t be trusted...
Man, we’ve really got to figure out a way to give Tom Brady’s kids mono.
Y'know, I thought I had mono once for an entire year. Turns out I was just really bored.
Lucky him, it’s better than being on the field while the Jets will be going 0-6.
It’s the Curse of Sanchez
I wish her the bejst.
I think he sees Tiffany as Marla’s daughter and Barron as Melania’s son. The only children he seems to really regard as his own are the ones with Ivana.
Honestly, good for Barron. Better no father than a narcissistic shitbag.
Every time I see/hear/think about that commercial, Chapelle instantly pops in my head.
He got three because Shaq had two.
There should be some sort of a limit on the number of NBA players who can simultaneously co-opt Superman as their alter ego/muse/inspiration.
Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don’t like what I see...
A much more acceptable reason? If Dwight were a fan of the purple stuff from Sunny D commercials.
In the four minute video, we’re shown three different paintings of Dwight Howard as Superman.
It’s funny, but I challenge each and every one of you to go look in the mirror, ask yourself “if I could have a Thanos Land Rover without consequence for what to me is essentially pocket change, would I?” and then answer yourself truthfully.
They should have known Tribble was trouble.
Hold up.
That is some"Get Out" levels of fucked up
That tweet with the white woman smugly cutting the dreads off a black man literally made me throw up in my mouth.
The NFL obviously doesn’t give enough of a shit, and is hoping that the optics will overshadow everything. “See, we’re doing it!” is more important to them than “doing it” with organizations that are actually useful.