My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.
My Jeeps are art. They increase property values. Proven fact.
The real winner is the photographer who got plowed in the end zone.
Had a lot of money coming if Georgia won. (Had them at 15-1) Felt confident based entirely on the fact that Hurts is simply a terrible QB. Then Saban had to go and sub in that amazing freshman and fuck me.
Most telling stat for how bad they got their ass kicked was no one on a Thibs coached team played more than 31 minutes.
Yea I’m totally convinced UCF would have been able to hang with these teams! Undefeated!
Maybe Irving was right and the whole world doesn’t revolve around LeBron.
I’m sure he’ll blame Danny Ainge in tomorrow’s article in The Player’s Tribune.
To Whom It May Concern:
HOA...Hopelessly Obtrusive and Asinine!
Dude, Jimmy doesn’t do weak ass vics. He’s crushed oxy all the way.
“hey bro, send some my way”
Bills fans celebrated their team’s (short-lived) playoff run by traveling to Jacksonville in droves, laying waste to any table-like structure in their path, reportedly starting a garbage fire,
My working theory is that it would have been really nice to go back and find a trove of Marcelo Rios blogs. But alas
You’re doing to lord’s work here, son.
Is there any better sport for arguments with officials than baseball? Face-to-face jawing is great. Soccer comes pretty darn close with all the suspense around the card to be pulled. Hockey officials are pretty chill.
Coincidentally, the film’s original script called for the team to rally around the mantra, “Trust the Process” after Bud had to be put down.
Air Bud was like The Godfather to me as a kid.