
Is that true though? Is/was Coutinho so instrumental to their success that they really can’t lose him? Not sure I buy that. I don’t remember exactly, but what’d he get, like 15 goals and 10 assists? That’s good production and he does score some worldies, but he can be replaced. Hell, with the Coutinho money they could

Up until this point, the only website where I would get rock-hard after clicking on something involving an 18-year old was Pornhub. No longer!  Now I can include Deadspin on that list after reading this article.

How soon we forget

Yes, I just checked to see if they play the Bears this year.

The fact that they are just now coming to grips with how bad Bortles is is so precious. This is the football equivalent of ignoring the project your incompetent coworker is in charge of for 6 months, then realizing you have to do the whole thing yourself the first time he gives a presentation to the boss.

I honestly can’t think of a more savage reply than to just burst into giggles

I’m a black, millenial male, and 2017 has been absolutely demoralizing. All my life I’ve sincerely believed racism is a thing of the past, the only ones still clinging to white supremacy were dying off, the future was rosy. Even DJTs rise didn’t trouble me as much because he still lost the popular vote and the youth

That colossal record-scratch we just heard was millions of reactive, simplistic sports fans suddenly not knowing what to do, now that a white player has made his voice known.

Something something disrespecting the military something something not your First Amendment right something something Obama is a islam something something.

It’s just hard to find an experienced, talented qb who has won big games in the NFL. I mean, you’re acting like there’s a better option just sitting at home.

Kelsey Grammer Syndrome

For a Jaguars QB, that was a very average pass. And in fairness, it would’ve been a good pass if he’d just thrown it about 10 yards farther. Or if any other person on planet Earth had thrown it. So, given all that, I’d say the Jags have their opening day quarterback.

That man is only 25 years old.

There’s a 90% chance that Trump thinks that there are burned out remains of the city between the Verizon Center and the White House, and not the firehose of gentrification that’s really there.

There are examples of quick change and gradual change.

Dem Durant will go to Sanctuary City Golden State for champion win but won’t visit WH bc of biased media. Sad!

Saying they were all gonna show up and then just sending like an equipment manager would have been the greatest. Or Zaza to have him break Trumps ankle.

Wouldn’t it have been a better burn to wait for the invitation and then reject it? Now Trump’s just gonna say that he wasn’t inviting them anyway.

Typical KD. It’s so easy to condemn Trump today alongside everyone else. Greats like Jordan and Magic would have condemned Trump by themselves back in January, eschewing the help of other great players, because they’re true competitors.

“Rather than putting pressure on the basketballmen of the Golden State Warriors to travel through crime-infested Washington DC, I will not invite them to The White House. Very Dangerous!!”