
I think that this episode felt the most natural (real and genuine) to me. And although I missed Hader, I agree that this episode was not about him or Armisen. Documentary Now! is great because both of them love documentaries and I think that this episode showed that love perfectly.

So, although I didn't like this season as much as I did earlier seasons, it still wasn't that bad. The first few episodes were a mess and there weren't as many memorable routines as in previous years, but overall I don't think SYTYCD has nothing left to offer.

Hader needs to get an Emmy nomination for Documentary Now!

Oh man, I'm going to miss K&P so much. It was a perfect ending for the show.

I liked the show overall and I'm happy I'll finally have something to watch (first late night talk show after Craig left), but I have to be honest, the thing I liked the most were the opening credits. I just loved them.

I doubt that CBS will do that - Craig Ferguson was doing anything he wanted on his show for 10 years.

John Oliver looks good.

I'm excited! Can't wait to get into my usual Fitz-Update and from what I saw in the trailer, I think I'll have a lot to talk about.

Bill Hader looked surprisingly good with all of those different hairstyles.

I'm sorry, I guess when it comes to defending my country from Internet commenters, I don't really remember Seinfeld quotes. It might come as a surprise but there are a lot of jackasses lurking around the corners of the Internet who just LOVE to write stupid things about my country. I hope you understand why I reacted

I think it's sad that you want a country of 46 million people to go back to a union that killed more than 10 million Ukrainians and then wiped out those who were educated, talented and stood for what's right by sending them to work camps or just killing them.

Well, technically, yes. But Russia's bigger part is in Asia, so I think it's fair to name Ukraine as the biggest country in Europe.

It's been 24 years since Soviet Union fell apart. 24 years is a lot of time, I think. Not to mention, one of those eastern European countries, Ukraine, is the biggest country in Europe. I'd say that's something you should probably know.

Edson and Jaimie piece was unique. Travis' choreography can sometimes be repetitive but this time it was actually something I'll remember for a long time. The camerawork, the lightning and Jaimie's quality of movement were phenomenal. It's a shame Edson went home.

This was my favourite episode of LWT, maybe only because of the 1-800-THIS-IS-LEGAL message and the website with photos of John dressed in different sweaters. It's official, John Oliver is now a pastor, a megareverend and a CEO of a church.

Yes, I saw that. Thanks again.

Thank you. I guess I'll have to wait then.

Unrelated, but is there any place on AV Club where we can discuss the latest Last Week Tonight episodes? Because I think yesterday's episode was probably my favorite one so far.

I think Ophelia Lovibond comes close second.

When Jon said 'Here it is, my Moment of Zen' I just lost it.