
Marvel's The Detectives

I do not understand your constant hateful comments towards Agents of SHIELD, really. Because for some reason you still watch the show even though you clearly hate it. How do I know it? Because I see your comments on AoS reviews Every. Single. Week. I mean, I mostly try and stay away from other people's business but

I think she knew. She said "After your father heard what happened", so that must mean that knows. Who else would have told him? And more importantly, if it wasn't her, than how come did she not know if somebody else did? (That is a poorly constructed sentence, sorry)

When I first read the title of this episode I was sure they were going to do a Reichenbach Fall episode. Maybe, and I'm only saying this because I'm refusing to believe that Sherlock relapsed, maybe he deliberately faked taking drugs? I don't know. Somehow in my mind it makes sense, especially after I heard the name

And he's better than anything/anyone else in the episode.

You can argue that she saw what will happen to her. She said to Skye something like 'We'll never speak again' and then, as she was speaking to Jiaying she said that she finally understood what her future holds. And as Jiaying was killing her, Raina looked at Skye, thus showing her that Skye will be the one that leads

But I care about what happens to Simmons. To Felicity? After this season? Not so much.

And that everybody can operate it?

When Thea 'made her entrance', she was standing on top of something, but the arrows that she shot came from another direction.

'B' is very generous.

I didn't like this episode. Not one bit. I was hoping that maybe the season finale will be better than the rest of the season. But it wasn't.

You're free to watch whatever and however you like. That's none of my business. I don't mean to be rude or anything, it's just to me these kinds of shows are best watched episode by episode just so you wouldn't miss anything.

I don't really know how to respond to that. Since you don't watch often, how can you say that those things just 'resolved themselves'? You need to actually watch to show to know what happened, you know that, right?

She looked quite happy to me. I mean, when Fitz left, she was smiling to herself.
But I don't know, to be honest. I have a hard time reading emotions off Elizabeth Henstridge's face. I remember after she shot Ward I didn't see any remorse whatsoever whereas many other people told me that she was apparently

I somewhat agree with you about Simmons developing feelings for Fitz… but also don't. I mean, we got hints about Simmons thinking about him in that way, when she talked to Bobbi, when she talked with him about May and her ex, when they talked about Kara and Ward etc. So the writers gave us something. But for me, a

Why would they keep something that has unknown powers in a box that opens when someone just leans on it?

"What happened to Fitz’s brain damage? Is that just not a plotline anymore?"

Yeah, I've been kind of disappointed with Simmons too lately, but I just want Fitz to be happy. Why can't he just be happy?

I cannot believe that Mack cut Coulson's hand off.