
Those aftermarket seats, BBS wheels, and what would certainly appear to be a lowered suspension tell me that this car has had an easy life and hasn’t been hooned and hammered on at all. It only has 92,000 miles on it’s 1980's BMW engine (which we all know are stupidly cheap to rebuild when they wear out) and I’m sure

I'd say $7500 would be NP if it had stock seats, or even good aftermarkets. With those questionable "Crazy Bob's house of aftermarket seats" specials in there, I'd give it an NP at more like $6k

My ranger has this really neat audio feedback where it sounds like you’re destroying the transmission if you try to put it in reverse while you’re going forward.

All the way right and either down or up. That way if you accidentally select 5th/6th/etc. you’ll most likely stall instead of suddenly start going the wrong way. (And of course there should be a lockout so that you don’t accidentally grab reverse from 4th/5th/etc.)

No question about it- to the RIGHT.

Right and Up. Whoever thought putting it to the left was a good idea is a moron.

Never have I been in an emergency urgent situation to quickly shift into 5th, 6th, 7th + gears.

Frequently I’ve needed quick thoughtless shifts into first and second.

Do you know how many accidents have

There is no debate on this. It is ALWAYS front-rolling. If you set it up back-rolling then there is something fundamentally wrong with your psyche.

I hate that they added a collar on the new mustangs. My ‘12 had the push down lockout and it was perfect. Collars are annoying.

I see we are talking about important questions today.

I think you'd really need to be a Lancia enthusiast to want this at any price.