Apparently. I had no idea the remix existed until I went looking for the cover art. Now I’m masochistically tempted to find it on YouTube or Spotify. I can’t imagine anyone actually improved upon the original.
Apparently. I had no idea the remix existed until I went looking for the cover art. Now I’m masochistically tempted to find it on YouTube or Spotify. I can’t imagine anyone actually improved upon the original.
“White women after all form the base of the Republican Party—53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump, and in last year’s special election for an open Senate seat in Alabama, 63 percent of white women cast their ballots for the noted sexual predator Roy Moore.”
Yeah, well my 11 year old uses tampons (Well, pads) so she gets the gist, Congresswoman.
The only good thing I can say about Phyllis Schlaffly: she’s dead. Sadly, Anita “I hate feminists and gays” Bryant is still with us. Those women, and others of their ilk, worked hard to spawn the next two generations of mouth-breathing Stepford Wives.
“Stop treating me like an enemy! I just want everything you’ve won for me, so I can use it to destroy you, your freedoms and everything you stand for.”
All of them lifelong members of the May I Speak to Your Manager Tabernacle Choir.
I would need to violate the Planck length in order to create a violin small enough to play for these biological RealDolls.
As natural blonde, even I said, yikes, that’s a lot of blonde! I’m comforting myself with, at least my hair doesn’t look like a wig like theirs!
It’s like they rolled off Hell’s assembly line.
How much time do you have? The list is long.
Fucking Phyllis Schlaffly. There are no words for the damage that that woman did. Although, this bitch is out there trying real hard to one-up her:
“For some reason, they were willing to vote to send a woman to Congress for years, but to put a woman in the governor’s office, it’s very different.”
I’d also like to point out the fact that she’s saying here girls should be a bit more shame-faced about their periods, which is particularly evil.
They know exactly what they’re doing. This is the same playbook women like Phyllis Schlaffly and Anita Bryant played by. Trample the rights of other women, then double down on women of color, next play the victim. Feign surprise that the women you’re helping to oppress have “rejected” you.
That was exactly what jumped out to me... Same makeup, hair, style, pearl necklaces.
in Alabama, 63 percent of white women cast their ballots for the noted sexual predator Roy Moore
Great pic. All the blond look alikes in the front row, women who were all likely wife #1s to rich assholes.
They believe that the women’s movement has discriminated against them.