Splyce had a great weekend at the Gears of War 4 Paris Open (finished 2nd with much hype). Maybe they’re hedging their bets with smaller, less expensive scenes.
Splyce had a great weekend at the Gears of War 4 Paris Open (finished 2nd with much hype). Maybe they’re hedging their bets with smaller, less expensive scenes.
Saw it at the cinema here in the UK, loved it.
I had a Pelliper with all the available ribbons in the original Sapphire version. I moved it into Gen 6 recently and they all got combined into one! Noooo!
Yes, Splatoon was great if there weren’t 3 friends in a “party”. Being stuck 3 v 4 was just awful and killed the game for my friends and I.
How is Skyrim running on a Tegra based device? The Tegra SOC has an ARM-based CPU so it must be a port.
Isle Abeens doesn’t look so fun for that Magikarp that just got dumped on the ground.
After visiting Tokyo this summer I would say the only disappointment for me was how Westenised some areas are! I enjoyed using my limited Japanese to order food, and figure it out, go the wrong way on the metro once or twice… that’s the adventure of being away from home!
The merchant was the best character in Resi4, I missed him from 5! Where did the weapons come from in that game, Stranger?
Deep fried Mars Bar is the fish and chips of Glasgow.
Pretty much the first thing in the presentation. Unexpected is an understatement!
Snacktaku <3
I was there on the 16th July. It was raining hard and all the more alive and wonderful for it.
What even is that Life in Aggro?
Awww come on... I love Duckpin Drake just for the dual shotgun-arcade mission in Timesplitters 2.
That Life in Aggro...
To me the most sad thing about all of this is the waste of time and material. I mean, ~1 million spare Hulks lying around somewhere!?
I adore ODST. The soundtrack is incredible too.
A lot of these are Gen 1 - I wonder if there’s a bias because of the age group and likely familiarity with that generation?