
Except, when I want to reply to someone's post it defaults back to the "new and improved" *vomits* view. :(

Ok ok, I see your point Jesus.......fascinating.

@MSI, Captain: I'm telling you all that is a big deal because I want to see this market become more balanced and not ruled by one company. We'll see how it turns out at the end of this year.

@ddhboy: That's stupid. That is stupid and they are going to pay for this mistake in market share. And this market badly needs decent competition otherwise we will have only one dominant company in charge....guess who.

@CaptainJack: Yes, I have seen them use it in the real world. And no, it's not in landscape mode. It's mainly in portrait mode. And landscape in watching movies or other videos.

@MSI, Captain: Great. Then tell the android people to stop marketing android tablets in only landscape mode!

@ColdMist: He holds them in the portrait mode. Because the device mimics a legal "pad" for writing or reading. I mean.....hello?????

@archercc: For the iPad there is no wrong way either. I just wish android marketers would vary with their advertising......and Google too! For productivity apps it should be held in portrait mode (in general). And for media functions (movie watching and such) it should be in landscape. In fact, for video

Why do all the android manufacturers making android honeycomb tablets hold the thing the wrong way?


The prototype from the 2nd picture at the bottom I would buy.

Wait, so is that 1am tonight eastern time? Or is that the following day at 1am.

One word......Kashi.

@dgrimes: Only because he's surrounded himself with advisors. But when Facebook finally IPO's he should really have someone more experienced run it for him for a few years while he trains under him/her. So that way he could have more time to concentrate on the products.

Why? It's simple.

@cadenlaguna: Do you know what you are even saying? That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard of.

@Lagi: It's gizmodo. They're lazy. What do you want?

@Captain Fish: If it was then it was. You think you've got a say in who did it? Besides, if it was an al-queda related cell who planned this then probably the bomb would have been strapped to a stupid kid and he would have set it off. Could have been an IED type of device though.

There is no such thing as "high-tech" only......tech.

Wait. What about the smaller bezel?