
Whoa! I need to wrap my head around this one. But it would make sense that this is part of the natural order of the universe.

@siwex80: If they get the hardware right!!!!!!

@magus-21: So throw the gawd damn thing to the friggin side out of the blasted way!

Everyone thank his majesty the Steveness.

@SgtBeavis: Don't make a final decision before you see the android tablets at mobile world congress, the palmpad, and yes the ipad 2 debut.

Awwwww snap!

@Chuck Chandler: Ok, I'm confused now. Is it a metaphor or an analogy?

If I ever get an iPhone it would most probably be one running on Verizon. And only on their LTE network.

"A rocket that sent them into spaceā€”and directly into the sun."

@Applerain: Then Apple being available to Verizon in 2011 will be in name only....no substance.

Yup. You all are suckers if you all get the iPhone immediately for Verizon.

@dccorona: You should watch "The Wiz". It was a musical with Michael Jackson and I think Janet too from the late 70's. For that matter the original "The Wizard of Oz" was a musical too. But The Wiz had cool pop music that only the Jacksons could do. It obviously wasn't trying to "reboot" the original.

Sucks to be Gizmodo right now.

@ernie.: I heard from alleyinsider from a commenter that Samsung is going to hold a separate event in February to show off honeycomb tablets. I'm going to wait for that. Besides, iPad 2 and the Palmpad has to debut around that time as well.

@dccorona: *sigh* nothing is sacred. :(

It sorta reminds me of the old polaroid....but futuristic like.

Will there be a WiFi only version? Or perhaps a version without a contract?