
@dccorona: I don't even acknowledge their existences.

@FriedPeeps will kill for a CR-48: You was being nice while saying at the same time that I'm being trollish and I should be banned? That's you being nice? Really?

@d-avid: I have a star because because I don't bow down to the draconian "popular" view like you do and I'm not afraid to speak my mind. But in this case it's not the popular view. Honeycomb WILL be a hit. So you can jump up and down and scream allllllllllll you want.

STOP talking about "rebooting" (destroying) our beloved classics!!!!!!

Where is the Dell 10 inch streak with android honeycomb? And for that matter where is the 10 inch galaxy tablet with honeycomb?

Nice. Too bad it doesn't have a forward facing camera. But I guess they had to shave the thickness from somewhere.

So, how do you stay clean then? With just water? Perhaps with some sort of hippie organic cleanser you can buy at the local health store?

@d-avid: That's just how I act when it comes to tech. My eyes glaze over and I'm a kid again. :)

Retarded Move Microsoft.....the no windows phone 7 on tablets I mean.

@crazypills77: I like it. And so do a lot of others apparently. At least it's not a blasted oversized phone UI like everyone else was doing (except perhaps WebOS). Apple's UI is for phones only and for retarded people at that.

@sneakypoo: You call this high tech? Too much information for you to process old man? It's time for you to retire to the old geeks home dude!


Damn! This plus all the CES announcements......

@aquaclear: Yup, I hear ya. What would really be cool is if the galaxy players had a 4.5 inch screen. That would make me instantly buy it.

This is my question exactly Matt!

What the hell? February? What about CES?