
@quasistellar: You may want to mention this to your former coworker if your still in touch.

@Celtic1888: It was more than stem cells. The main product his company was producing it seems is this "scaffold" technology that can be custom shaped to the spinal injury. Stem cells and other bio materials would compliment the treatment.

@Bobburt444: He was nervous. Give the guy a break. Not everyone is Steve Jobs. All he did was solve his own spinal cord injury without a medical degree and launched a ground breaking new medical technology.

Wow! Seriously, give this guy and his team some nobels.

This looks promising for certain top secret special forces units looking to artificially augment agents.

We've forgotten about saving a document hmm? Well maybe you.

@Bilsko: Only 6 gigs of memory? You should have done 12.


*sigh* The scale is off. It's too small. NEXT!

Is the OS powerful enough to replace the OS of the airplane itself?

@telepheedian: Yup. And in the near future if someone were to develop display and input technologies that go beyond what multi-touch, keyboards and makes regular display screens irrelevent, then intel would be in serious serious trouble.

@Deckard: They have been. But it's not helping.

Well Google SHOULD be concerned. If not, then Steve Jobs was right and the people behind Android are idiots!

Yo entrepreneurs, ACT ON THIS RIGHT THE HELL NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Already people have leg vein thrombosis types of disorders. Do you all remember that reporter who died in that apc during the first part of the iraq war? Legs are so cramped in those apcs that he got a vein clot in his leg and died.

Are you fracking kidding me? Are these seats to pioneer an even worse class under "coach"?

Umm, no. They not only cut the thing in half but they used a much smaller screen. The screen is smaller than the 5th gen and even the 4th gen. In fact, the screen is now closer in size to the small 2nd gen nano.

Physical laws may actually fluctuate throughout the universe? Ok that got my attention this morning. We need more posts about this gizmodo.

Seems interesting. I would have to use it to assess it's usefulness.

The watch strap looks cheap. How about one with a built in dock and that acts like a second battery?