
@vietiscool: You people realize I was posting in general right? And you do realize that by actually responding now you've singled yourself out?

@JS_Drupal: Then be my guest then you rude shmuck. Did I directly insult you in my first post or something? No, then shut up!

Cool. Now I know what bow to get when I select my gear for my next mission.

You guys ever seen "The Fly" or better yet "The Fly II"??

@JeffEd: Maybe dude, maybe. But that tiny screen size and device mockup looks SOOOO much like the 2nd gen iPod Shuffle for it to be a coincidence.

@MagicTrackpad: I know. I forgot to say foot....a 10 foot diameter sphere.

@roninmodern: No time for hobbies dude. For the entire week and possibly the weekend I've got to work from 9:00 to 9:00. :(

@Johnbobz: I meant 10 foot diameter. Crap! I hate it when I miss stuff from proofreading.

@Calrekabooki: Then I want to see a LEGO DEATHSTAR! A 10 diameter version if you please.

Wow, these people sure have a lot of time on their hands don't they?

Why do people keep saying that it will be an ipod nano? Isn't it more likely that this tiny lcd device is the new shuffle?

Um, when your attempting to tell of the background of Tony Stark keep in mind that he is a Marvel Universe character. He didn't conceive of the iron man armor in Afghanistan but in Vietnam.

If that's what Sony Computer Entertainment thinks then they're done.

@TrainAss: You mean those stupid 20something vampire soap opera movies? Heck, I 'd pay you to take one of those bags into...no several bags into a theater showing those movies!

@SpyderMS: While Google won't restrict they are definitely looking to negate the need for manufacturers to skin the OS.

Ok, so what about an update on Gingerbread? It's supposed to be a very very major update that would make the OS very user friendly for tablets and kill once and for all the stupid UI overlays the cell phone manufacturers/carriers are forcing on people.

@bainelaker: Who eats sun chips in a jet cockpit? You mean besides the pilot?

LOL! I'm definitely going to take this bag with me the next time I go to a movie theater!

"We've all done it"????

LOL! This is so so sad. *shakes head*