
I’m already there. And others don’t have to do what businesses demand! (By-)Laws and regulations are not demands - they provide for a framework for businesses and community, ideally protecting both.

I’d rather have 20% of transportation dollars stay in the community rather than being shuffled of via Netherlands to island tax havens.

If taxi industry provided cabs for 4 minute service during the bar rush, what are they supposed to do with them when they now wait 15 - 30 minutes for a $5-10 ride during normal working hours? Uber and Lyft are not out only during the bar rush - tnc drivers are working same 12 - 14 hours cab drivers are cutting into

Uber and Lyft a.k.a cabs; if it walks like a....

With shortage of transportation that $49.33 may be $250 in unregulated surge charges, take-it-or-leave-it. Cab charges are metered and regulated.

Dear reader - Uber and Lyft have an army of opinion writers and cab critics who ‘comment’ to articles like this, and write to public officials as ‘the public’. While Uber/Lyft ‘withhold’ their dispatch the officials are bombarded by ‘disgruntled’ riders complaining about the lack of service. Then 2-3 months later