Olmec's Reject

cloud wouldve been better.

It seems clear at this point that Assange is less concerned with Wikileaks’ stated purpose and more concerned with his own petty political whims, pushing principle aside to even work with Putin if need be. He’s no longer an advocate for transparency, he’s just an asshole. His underlings should jump ship and rebuild

1. Take the oil

I’ll pass. iPhone 6 is working fine, and with enough pushback/crummy sales, they’ll bring back the headphone jack. This is probably Apples “New Coke”

Please say they’re going to make Takeshi’s Castle part of the Olympics. Usain Bolt may be fast, but how fast is he when he runs through a door maze with “ghouls” ready to smother his face with ink?

This would be a disaster for Lewis, Kvyat would crash into him on the first lap.

Agree, the one guy who could have been played by a Caucasian actor and it would have fit him.

First, I went to full definition, since it lists the full definition.

Its obvious to anyone over the age of 10 that man in No Man’s Sky mean’s human.


From a feminist’s perspective, Jezebel is full of pro-matriarchs.

What the...? My ears couldn’t believe what I just heard. I’ve always preferred English dubs as I prefer to enjoy the action, not read and miss it. But....

I’m having early 90's flashbacks of watching 120 Minutes on MTV at 2am in the morning.

heck yes, Boom Boom Satellites are amazing. I got to see them in Asbury Park,NJ, which was weird and amazing. There was maybe like 30-50 people in the audience for an opening band, and the majority of them left once their set ended, leaving about 9 people in the audience for Boom Boom Satellites (2 of which were my

Now playing

Track: On The Painted Desert (DJ Krush Remix) | Artist: Boom Boom Satellites | Album: On The Painted Desert - Rampant Colors

at least they shot the video in landscape mode ! !

I hope that’s true. In my life, I have unfortunately met the assholes with an attitude.

The thing is not even a large number of police officers assholes. It’s just the assholes tend to be the loudest which has given a negative impression of the rest of them. There are probably a lot more like this guy than you would think.

David, can you do me a favor? I’m reading Jalopnik on my phone and I only see 17 ads on this page. I think we can squeeze a few more in without breaking up the flow. Thanks!

Why yes, there is.. and if you would’ve taken 5 seconds to go look at PC cases being sold on Newegg you would’ve known that.

My vcr didn’t break but the tape sure did. I fixed it with scotch tape!! Same with the old xmen cartoons I recorded off of fox kids tv.