Olmec's Reject

The Soarer sells really well when Cragislist has a story to tell would absolutely suck as a Japanese ESL tongue twister. Seriously, I always thought this was the oddest JDM name for a car.

CP. I can’t imagine hearing “My God! What the hell happened to your Honda Prelude?” at every Cars & Coffee from here on forward. Too many questionable mods. Oh and I’d prefer that my passengers don’t have to drive.

This is not an indication that Europe is losing interest in F1. It is simply the reality of life in Europe: Disposable income —what people spend on luxuries — is cripplingly low and will remain so based on their economics. F1 will continue to migrate towards wealthier nations and The West. But, alas, even those

“Let’s get a couple of things out of the way: It’s a good thing that, thanks to the leak, the public now knows the extent to which the DNC tilted the scales in favor of Hillary Clinton during the Democratic primary.”

He read exactly what he wanted to read.

I don’t recall them releasing credit cards and social security numbers of individual citizens then, and random voicemails of old people calling in to complain about nothing important.

Here? Probably not.

This comment bears no discernible relationship to the article its speaking on. Their concern is very clearly not who the target is, as it does in fact note the worthiness of leaking some of this information, but the total disregard for the privacy of people who have nothing to do with Wikileak’s stated policy goals.

Thanks for admitting to the world that you can’t read.

Psh, I don’t. MLP:FiM is way more entertaining than the Kardashians or TSwift

If/when Trump crashes and burns, I really hope he realizes how much this is completely his own fault, instead of trying to blame Clinton, the media, and the GOP.

“ I regret that I know more about My Little Pony than I do about the Kardashians or Taylor Swift.”

Jesus is made fun of way more than any other religion’s deity. Also, Jesus isn’t white.

Now playing

Obviously, SOMEBODY thought all of this was a good idea. I have deep concerns about that person.

Didn’t even have to read it! I saw the price and “Custom Ford Ranger” and scrolled straight to Crack Pipe Lane!

damn cannot disagree drift mode is the only vehicle that can drift

So glad that people are wisening up and shooting longer focal lengths on chase pov/action stuff, pushing their luck in getting the shot, can see the worth on the final clip esp. Good stuff.