Olmec's Reject

Because using flash-bangs or teargas to disable him would not have fulfilled their need for vengeance after five of their fellow officers were gunned down.

“Civilian criminals?” Were they not merely exercising their Second Amendment right to protect themselves from tyranny?

Yes, those pesky rights - like the right to a jury trial only apply in crimes that aren’t scary or warlike. It says so in the constitution!

Chicago Abused Women Coalition

It’s funny, you take Hamilton and Rosberg out of the equation and there’s no racing at all. It’s just guys hoping to get points.

It’s as silly as allowing competitive in a game where you press Q to feel special

I’m getting really, really tired of Niki and Nico. Lauda has gone off at least twice this season to proclaim Lewis was at fault for incidents that were clearly Nico’s fault, and Nico refuses to accept any blame even when the stewards tell him he’s at fault. Don’t get me wrong, Lewis Hamilton The Brand(TM) is

Really very unhappy with Niki this year, he’s playing favourites when a defending world champion should be your #1.

A few things... I’m by no means a Lewis fan, but I don’t think this should pit Lewis in a bad light. This isn’t a first - Senna trashed his Monaco flat after Monaco in 1988, and I’m 100% sure this happens all the time in high level sports. He can get through his emotions in any which way he wants as long as he keeps

Jeez, do you not have a semi-current picture of the guy?

Those who saw Evans expose himself said that it was no big deal.

I guess punching a producer doesn’t seem so bad now, does it?

The first letter smells fake-ish. Anyone else get that impression?

Because phones are vastly inferior gaming devices, and both Blizzard and Nintendo have standards.

I don’t know if it counts as mimicking if you’re clearly just flat out taking art assets directly from the game you’re copying. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if they were also decompiling the games and taking and modifying the code.

Only Mao is sacred.

Breath, buddy. Just calm down.

> celery stick

No, I'm pretty sure if I were camping in an area where it would warrant such a thing, I'd be packing a pistol in the least.