
They're condescending.

I kinda thought that ALL the players were going be revealed as pedophiles, that Hector's "prostitute" was actually very underage. Because racist emails and adultery, while terrible, aren't exactly in the same league.
I know that's part of the point.
At least the trolls did save the worst tasks for the kiddie porn guys,

"They felt like bags of sand."

"Sully. That guy, he's not so great…"

Same, same.

Charlize Theron and Matthew Mcconaughey were surprisingly…not great.

I am completely unsurprised by Lea Michele's choice of photo.

Yes, that is exactly what I was saying.

The Brianna casting was just weird. You'd think this would be a highly coveted role with lots of actors to choose from… Was this really the best they could do?


Very much agree. Cersei uses the "I love my children" excuse way too often.
And I'm sorry but "loving your children" is a really low bar for most mothers to clear.
I'm sure Casey Anthony and Susan Smith believed they loved their kids, it didn't make them good moms. Or even decent people.

I loved the last scene with all the main cast struggling against the guard barrier, and I'm glad Taystee was with her at the end, but…

Yeah, that boy's reaction didn't seem over the top to me. She was physically preventing him leaving!
Heck, even as an adult, I think being stuck somewhere with Suzanne would make me pretty nervous. Not because she's violent or a bad person, but she's just so unpredictable and impossible to reason with.

Can I add on to this earnest compliment?

Joffrey got sent to bed without supper.

It's hard to stay mad at someone you like so much, someone you know is a genuinely good person. It doesn't mean the tension is gone and everything is resolved, just that it's difficult to sustain that level of anger when you live together and have to get things done.
I've been married 14 years and that scene didn't

Love it!
Except…that would sort of be a repeat of the Sansa situation, no?
Another valuable Stark asset carelessly left in the custody of an unreliable crazy person.