
It will soon be 2018. Give up the removeable battery nonsense, and come live with us in the future. Battery cases exist for a reason. Buy one.

And Joss Whedon is still getting work.

Exactly. He has to work, and he works as a writer. That’s the end of it. If she wants him to be miserable for the rest of her life, by an inappropriate touch... well... I’ve been there, and you’ve got to let it go. Being vindictive, gets you nowhere in life.

Women of Color on this website, make it abundantly fucking clear, that fuck anyone who isn’t a WOC. On behalf of my indigenous ass, that’s not how shit works. You are a minority of a minority, and you need allies to get shit done. But hey! I just had my ancestors ran off the land, by the same people who forcibly

Is it Apple though? No. It’s not. That’s the point. Apple, may not be first, because they get it right.

Do you just save this comment for release days? The stuff inside of the X and Plus, is fucking next level tech, that’s amazing. You not understand it. Does not make it any less amazing.

AR is the future. VR is dead. Sorry. You chose... poorly.

Put the Story films out, during the Summer. This Star Wars, is Xmas time stuff, and that’s how it should be. Oh yeah. Guess what has to move now? WONDER WOMAN 2.

Yeah. It’s never happened.

If you feel that way, then you are just ignorant. There is no fucking camera, that matches the 8 and X cameras. There is nothing, IN ANY PHONE ON THE MARKET, that fucking has the internals of this phone. If you really think it’s nothing special, then you have no clue what’s happening with this tech.

Apple, brought those problems up on stage. Watch the presentation. Phil had a whole slide, that explains how they deal with OLED displays more.

I think, it’s mostly LG and another supplier.

Whoopidy doo! It’s the biggest selling phone on earth. Enjoy everyone else following suit. You’re a sucka!

Do you really think, that a phone in the next decade is going to have a fucking headphone jack on it? Seriously? The future is wireless. Deal with it.

Why are people touching your phone? Also, you can enable a pin as well.

Fuck this noise, TFA succeed, in spite of fucking JJ. Daisy Ridley, Jon Boyega, and Oscar FUCKING Issacs, took that material to another level. He just wanted to cum all over practical FX, be a smug dick about it, then cum again all over his stupid fucking mystery box. Seriously. Fuck this noise. Fuck it.

It was a quip. He was goofing on himself. Stopping taking TV so seriously.

Senior reporter, at shoving an android phone up his ass, and turning it on. Good lord... fucking stop. Just stop.

We do not live in a fucking parliamentary system. THIRD PARTIES DO NOT WORK! Everyone who voted for Gary Johnson and Russian Hero Stein, are part of the reason trump is in power. When Kimala Davis is running for president, you better fucking vote for her, and shit the fuck up about this third party shit.

Guess what? They’ve been working on this phone, for five fucking years. FIVE... FUCKING... YEARS. Also, their tech, always works better than everyone else’s.