Olivia Pope's Wine Glass

I obviously haven’t seen the show, but how does a regular ol sitcom espouse conservative values? What were the plotlines? A daughter gets pregnant because she’s only ever had abstinance only education and Tim Allen forces her to carry it to term but doesn’t contribute to the upbringing of the child?

I can’t wait til the Pavillions across the street gets its own show.

If you made a Venn diagram of Christians and Trumpsters, “Dumb White Motherfuckers” would be dead-center.

Hi, I think I might be able to shed some light on this perplexing dilemma that you describe..

I will never understand how so many ‘religious’ people support him. I mean I don’t really understand how *any* people support him, but Christians largely (bigly?) rallying behind such a figure of vaulgarity is perplexing.

When I was in college (late 90s), there was a spate of binge-drinking-related deaths at a number of colleges in a short period of time. I remember reading an article by someone who had gone to college during the brief period when the drinking age was lowered to 18 in some places (I think this was sometime in the

I saw 29%, but yes, it’s a right as it is in the US and most countries. I certainly have done so on occasion.

While it’s better than the alternative, this isn’t exactly a ringing victory for democracy.

“I wonder what Joe Scarborough thinks?” asked no one ever about anything. Seriously fuck him.

They really could have edited the photos down to half what was chosen. First I would have cut is this “sad sand baby”.

Reading his spoken words makes me FUCKING STABBY. He is so unbelievably good (?) at stringing words together without saying anything at all. Pronouns are this man’s favorite thing.

I need a new TWOP in my life.

I miss TWOP!

instead of stupid comments like this, just google her. YOU AREN’T COOL FOR NOT KNOWING PEOPLE.

I find that I can’t even read complete transcripts of his interviews, it’s just incoherent babble throughout the whole thing.

It would be cheaper to get a tummy tuck than have a kid. This lady had her muscles split. That is not for self-esteem. It is not the same thing. Jesus, it is impossible for some people to not make things about them.

I think as someone stated above, it’s more a broader definition of racism that includes bigotry, Maybe seeing the full quote would help. From the linked article, he said:

My Iranian friend is a biomedical engineer. With the help of her professor, she designed a type of wrist-watch device that could detect if the wearer is having a stroke about a 1/2 hour before it happens. Sends a signal to the smartphone to contact paramedics. She hasn’t been able to get any funding from VCs that

Back in the late 90's, I had a coworker with twin nephews named Nolan and Ryan!