Olivia Pope's Wine Glass

I think it’s just making sure your kids are in the right programs with the right teachers. I ran cross-country throughout high school and into college, and have nothing but good memories. It was such a large part of my life, and as cliche as it sounds, really helped to shape me.

“Stuck up bitch.”

and Henry Cavil played Superman, which is an “American” icon. The point being, it’s a character. Actors play characters.

The character is British. Sherlock Holmes is was played by an American with Robert Downey Jr. The world didn’t fall apart.

“The idea that someone would be upset about the consequences of their own words and try to put that blame on someone else is quite shocking to me.”

Did you even make it through half his message before replying?

Other than carrying a live bomb in her vagina, there’s no excuse to do this as it was done. Literally no excuse.


I was backpacking this weekend, largely without reception, and this story is just the cherry on top of literally fucking everything right now.

Have you taken any advanced Economic courses? Not being snarky, legitimately asking. I have two Economic degrees, and most people only familiar with the intro level classes every undergrad takes are generally pretty unaware of what goes into an Economics degree.

Rewatching the video and it’s amazing that he hardly breaks stride at all.


Aside from being a giant, dangerous asshole, she’s clearly moving off to the side in the video. It appears he then adjusts to her new path and shoves her off.

Question that Google couldn’t quickly answer: who plays the couple in the movie? Jennifer Lawrence and Javier Bardem or Michelle Pheiffer and Javier Bardem?


To be completely fair, English grammar is hard, y’all. It’s not her first language and sometimes you just need to get the words out.

Oh jeez, you made it much further in their feed than I did. That’s all terrible.

I saw Atomic Blonde this weekend and I had no idea he was in it. Was very happy to have a surprise John Goodman in my movie.

I just noticed that his IG bio reads, “husband to curvy goddess,” so I bop on over to the wife’s IG to see if it said, “wife to dickhead.” It did not.

I love this man and his undefined arms and his weird facial hair.