
I do not think I realized until now how much I counted on that wonderful, brilliant, luminous woman continuing to exist—and more than that, to continue to speak for justice—until she was gone, just like that. I don’t know what to say or what to feel. Her writing has spoken to me almost since I could read and I

I assume they actually mean people who are always up on policing people’s enforcement of gender norms. I mean, I am only guessing, not being that person, but like, I never understand where people are coming from when they seem genuinely frustrated about other people asking them not to be assholes. Again, not to call

Assuming they really hate macs and also insist on identifying their computers as male or female.

If we (white women) want to be considered to be individual people who don’t vote for racists and child molesters, we should stop mostly voting for racists and child molesters. Fuck this semantics concern trolling shit.

Add whomever! I got this list of men from 5 minutes of IMDBing recent Woody Allen movies to look for actors I knew pretty well. Any and all men working with Woody Allen following allegations of sexual inappropriateness should be held to the same high standard as the women doing the same, is my point.

Yeah...I have continued to be pissed at all the actresses who just ignore all of the allegations and keep working with him but it is severely unfair to only hold them accountable. It makes me about one million times angrier to think that not only do we hold them accountable above and beyond their male costars but that

Argh you had me until you took a sharp right there. Let’s regret that more people chose to support an anti-vaxxer over a woman who said “I believe in science” when she accepted the nomination of her party.

And he took her last name! And they look so happy! This story is everything good and beautiful. Congratulations Berry family!

Oh come on, these guys go for both.

Oh my god, Roy Moore and the MALL. That is the thing I can’t get over.

Needs more stars

I am not an expert but I also suffer from hormonal acne. And please don’t get mad at me for asking because I am sure you have tried this and everything else, but just in case: have you tried playing around with your diet, like eliminating dairy for a couple of weeks to see what happens, cutting out soy to see if it’s

I...am genuinely scared that there will be more. Because recent history shows that sexual assault is like...potato chips? Cockroaches?

First of all, I get what you are saying. As some who was raped and assaulted and wasn’t able to come forward, I get it. But I’m thinking of this less as “treating all the victims the same in terms of scale” and more as “tarring all the sexual predators and creeps with the accountability brush, no matter how much we

Yes, exactly! What the apologists are too busy trying to shut down any discussion of their heroes fucking up to do is to discuss what accountability can and should mean. Instead, we’re going in circles about whether or not some sexual assault is worse than others, which is nonsense.

One replied to my comment just now and I am debating whether to engage. I mean, do people genuinely think it is ok when in a work situation and not like, an actual date, to make a move on someone? Louis CK should not have asked to jerk off in front of people. HE SHOULD NOT HAVE ASKED. That is also sexual harassment.

Oh god. This poor family. Losing their Dad and son and partner right before the holidays. Not that this would be ok in July. The heart aches for them.

Glad to see some fellow bleeding heart liberals holding Franken accountable. The apologism is making me sick, though. Just...stop it, guys. This is the second hero of mine to be revealed as a sexual predator this week and I am heartbroken. You can be heartbroken but also be like, hey, yeah, sticking your tongue down

Don’t forget that a lot of people who work on a film are behind the scenes and don’t have the resources and can benefit from this.