
Here are the things that kept me sane and helped me get a job:
1) Getting an internship. I don’t know your field, and it sucks to work for free, but a part-time internship, 1-2 days per week, is not just an undergrad thing. It can also be a way for you to get your foot in the door career-wise, to learn new skills, and

I finally got a crockpot and it’s the best fucking thing ever and I am never going back. The only things that it kind of doesn’t do well (at least until I figure it out, damnit) is hardboiled eggs and soup with rice in it.

Don’t take each other for granted. Respect one another’s boundaries. Say thank you a lot. Do nice things for one another on random days just because. Talk too much about things and don’t be afraid to pursue solo activities. Don’t become 1/2 of a couple, but be two unique, fabulous people who love one another best of

Fuck yeah to trash! VC Andrews was my jam.

Being 16 blew. I would have been 1000% happier if I had been able to take a community college class or two in high school so I could know there was something on the other side of high school.

Not being able to vote in 2000 nearly gave me an aneuryism, I was so frustrated. I think being on the other side of 18 is great when there’s political tumult afoot.

I swear I’ve seen kids required to buy their textbooks. This is a terrible time to grow up.


I almost feel like you should go the direct route. “I’m not sure why you feel the need to comment on my appearance every day, but I’d appreciate if you stop it.” I understand if you don’t feel free to do that, though.

I am so sorry.

I hope we lose all of them. Honestly. I hope we lose every single tourist that we would have otherwise, and I work in an industry that depends on tourism. Because that is the only way to get through the heads of the Nazis in power right now. $$$

Yeah, but we just legitimized and empowered these Nazi assholes after eight years of pretending everything was better. So they have a point.

Don’t do it! Everyone needs to boycott us right now because the only way to hurt the corrupt xenophobes is to hurt them financially. We don’t deserve your tourism dollars!

I’m sorry for our orange embarrassment. Truly sorry. It is frustrating that our country seems to be broken right now. That said, you all need to boycott the fuck out of us. Don’t buy American. Don’t travel to the US (skip straight over us and go right to Mexico—that would fuck with the xenophobes!). The only way to


Ha! Remembering my own lovesick early teenagerhood before I got all gothy and started writing poetry about DEATH all over my jeans, you are fighting a losing battle with that one. This made me laugh aloud, thanks.

Is there? I don’t think what your teacher did was terrible at all. When you teach about terrible things like atomic bombs and genocide, you need to acknowledge that terrible things happen. And it’s much more effective to teach empathy to kids by showing them other kids. Do you think it’s a bad thing to have kids read

Oh yeah. The lower the wages, the crappier the job, the harder they work you and the harder it is to negotiate a raise. It took me six months of negotiation after more than two years to negotiate a raise from $10 to $11.

Biggest pet peeve from my last job hunt? Three or four interviews in a row on the same day, with each asking you at the end if you have any questions and looking expectant. I would consistently bomb out of these because a)I was exhausted by the final interview and b)I had asked thoughtful questions about things I

I think the one-page resume correlates with pay scale and job level as well. Entry level jobs with lower pay automatically get a shit ton of resumes, many of which are just spitballin’ and applying everywhere. Also, they give fewer shits about you, the potential new hire. I was also told obliquely by someone once that