
Fucking yup. Also, sorry.

Let me explain how that might happen. Say you have these lovely relatives: maybe your mother, or your aunt, or your best friend from grade school on, or your father-in-law. Say that you are always vehemently feminist and anti-racist in their presence, that they “like” facebook posts in which you say political,

Oh hell no. Don’t wrestle with the trolls. We need the writers of the articles to spend their brains and hearts doing research and writing articles, not arguing with morons over whether or not it’s actually racist to ask white people not to wear blackface or whateverthefuck.

Sadly, no. Here’s another from the Washington Post, too, for good measure. But the thing is, people like this aren’t interested in truth. I wish there was some way to create empathy and compassion contagions amongst our most racist and misinthropic citizens. Instead, they drag us down with them and then claim it’s all

This is false equivalency bullshit and you must know it.

Yeah. Federal employees ignoring two other branches of government to follow only unclear, contradictory and then lied-about-later orders of the executive branch is how a Constitutional Crisis is made.

Here’s what breaks my heart: Il Doucheface does this awful thing, then when people get rightfully angry tweets “oh, I didn’t do that,” and despite the fact that his executive order is on the record, people like the one you responded to in this comment just take him at his word. So he gets to do horrible things and

They are also now claiming Obama did everything first. He built a wall! He had a Muslim ban! Wake up, sheeple! I mean, I know deportations went way up under our last legitimate President, but no.

Ok, your response made me laugh out loud, so thank you. It’s nice to have a regular discussion with a human online sometimes. Anyway, though, the reason I made such base assumptions (for which I apologize) is that lately it’s Trump supporters who seem to always be saying things like, “Stop calling people Nazis” and

Holy shit there’s two of us. Two of us in America who didn’t like Deadpool. I think we need to go underground, AB.

I’d like your common man to stop acting like some kind of king and issuing executive orders every day that directly attack people as some sort of fucked up revenge. Then we can talk about uniting around our common humanity or whatever.

Thanks for verbalizing this. I couldn’t figure out what it was that bothered me about this ostensibly nice story but it is a cash equivalent of #notallwhitemen or something. What if she’d been having a bad day or didn’t smile enough? Were they going to short her instead? Anyway, please every white person prove me

This is wonderful! I want her to have as many husbands as Scarlett O’Hara except without having to change her name five million times.

Except the hilarious thing about him is that I’m not actually convinced he’s as smart or funny that he thinks he is. Then again, I’m the only person in America who didn’t think Deadpool was that great, so what do I know.

If other white women are not our people, how the fuck were we going to organize some marches? This is not about our fucking feelings. It’s about social justice and solidarity and admitting that a whole bunch of the white women who voted (the majority!) thought voting for Trump was ok (not to mention a lot of people

Yeah, dude, I’m the first person to say we don’t need to look beyond our borders (we have/had the KKK right here in the good old US of A) for historical-political comparisons of Trump, but don’t deride and derail with this false equivalency nonsense. The Nazi Regime did not begin with the invasion of Poland or the

“Hey Japan! Stop attacking the part of the Pacific that we decided over the wishes of those who lived there for centuries was part of America! THAT’S IT WE’RE GOING IN.”