
Ha! We had the same dynamic (crying cat, scarily silent cat)! Maybe it’s a thing they do. Welp, if it’s any consolation for your next move, crying cat stopped crying and decided to take a nap by lunchtime. And there was less crying when we started including petting sessions into our pit stops.

Surprisingly, they adjusted (sort of) to life on the road pretty quickly! I mean, every night they were like, “Ok, I’m ok with this new home” and would find all the hiding spots, and every morning they were like “nooooooooo” when it was time to go, but we only got yelled at for the first 1-2 hours of every day!

They’re ok with the anti-Semitism, the invasion of other countries, the rounding up of “undesirables” into camps, etc. They’re NOT ok with the government telling them what to do. So I think it’s the dictator/fascist Hollywood Hitler that is the direct enemy of good red-blooded American penis that they’re referencing,

As someone who recently spent the longest week of my life driving 2 cats across the country, I am doing this D: at the thought of someone just leaving a cat behind. WTF.

He was really cute in the 90s and was also on a show called Earth 2 which pretty much only I watched. Which is why I’m also the only person who is irked about him being associated with the RNC. But...that’s really it.

I’ll go if you go! There’s something amazing about being fat, all over the gym, grossing out the bros and judgy bitches, in PUBLIC. Been there, done that, was fun, would do again if I could afford a gym right now.

People always forget about how Robespierre et al turned on each other, too. The revolution is amazing until you realize you have no fucking clue what you’re doing, half the country is literally at war with you and you’ve resorted to murdering their women and children, and your economic solutions keep making things

Yes, this exactly! Let’s try and figure out how to make things better for the workers!

What I find the most fascinating about these types of food discussions is our response, which is all about improving our moral hygiene and finding “clean” sources of food. It echoes the classic problem that Upton Sinclair had when he wrote “The Jungle.” Rather than being horrified about the awful conditions of meat

Yesss would watch


Also, having processed a lot of student evals as a student worker (in a department different than the one I was getting my degree in), I noticed this sort of bewildering trend where male professors getting positive feedback would also get fives all the way down whereas female professors getting the same (“passionate!”

Here’s the thing, though, that makes this so frustrating for ignorant gun control advocates like myself. I don’t own a firearm. I don’t WANT to own a firearm. Shooting things is just not my sport.

Cowardly Republicans adjourned the house last night and are now on vacation. What happens now with this sit-in?

I’m around this age and currently about to try and embark on the new career that I spent the past six years getting the education for. :/


I just finished watching Bitten (three seasons, all on Netflix), which is nothing like the book series but is basically like a mafia show with werewolves. Give it an episode or two to find its stride. The pilot was kind of cheesy.

Well, I actually think you hit on something interesting there. Ostensibly, a frat or sorority is a meritocracy, in which anyone can apply and all you have to do to be part of the club is sparkle and last through the pledge period. Now, nothing in America is actually a meritocracy, of course, and more weight is always

All the people hating on her right now don’t seem to understand that if Bernie had cliched the nomination, she would be stumping for him right now. She is supporting her party. Which apparently now means being a sellout whore.

That is so powerful. Thank you for sharing her words. It makes me feel like I am screaming inside.