
If I had to guess, I think they were just protecting her against even having to deal with the police in that way, and possibly against the notoriety of being the woman who killed Perry. And also, it would make things very weird for their kids, who go to school together. Better to just have it be an accident.

Cool, thanks. Yeah, it seemed awful and nonsensical to think that someone could be prosecuted in any way for defending themselves or someone else against an attacker. And the woman had bruises…it didn't make sense to think they'd get any time at all. But I still understood them lying - better to have it be an

Wait also, when the one detective said that at most she'd get twelve months of community service for involuntary manslaughter - my dad, who's a lawyer, said that she wouldn't get anything. When someone's beating you and you push them and they die, that's not a crime. Bonnie defending Celeste wouldn't be a crime either

I could be wrong, but it looked like all three women tried to pull Perry away from Celeste, but he hit/shoved them away, possibly knocking them to the ground, so I didn't think they were standing around.

Yeah, i felt like that was why this opened her eyes in a way that violence didn't - it wasn't him hitting her in the heat of the moment, it was him calmly talking like killing her was a viable option (and she should be grateful that he didn't).

Didn't they say Nathan and Bonnie say at the dinner that they absolutely weren't going to let her do it, they just didn't want anyone to freak out the way Nathan had? I agree that there's no way in hell they should let her do it, though hopefully Madeline's talk with her will make her rethink it on her own.

"Behaves impulsively and emotionally, like a woman"

I watched this while very sick, which might explain why I'm confused - when she said 'You can't marry him and remain part of this family', was she saying "You can marry him if you're willing to give up all income, title, status, etc."? Because…Margaret could have done that. That wouldn't be a simple choice, but if

"Sorry" :)

Yeah, their general decorum in language, even when angry, made that line really startlingly crude.

Yeah, Claire Foy is great. I wish I'd been able to see her in Macbeth with James McAvoy.

Considering that, I gather, Philip and Elizabeth have overall had a good marriage, I'm very curious to see how they develop that relationship. The actors are great.

He's an INCREDIBLE actor. I haven't watched The Hours since I was in high school, but I still remember the scene at the train station between him and Nicole Kidman. And Harriet Walter is one of the greatest actresses alive. I really wish her performance as Prospero would get filmed like so much English theatre is

I watched this while very sick, which might explain why I'm confused - when she said 'You can't marry him and remain part of this family', was she saying "You can marry him if you're willing to give up all income, title, status, etc."? Because…Margaret could have done that. That wouldn't be a simple choice, but if

I'm just watching this series now, so I'm super late, but yes, she's incredible. I saw her onstage in The Pride and she was amazing.

I'm just watching this series now, so sorry for the months-later reply, but I think that line was intended to indicate that Jake was envisioning himself as a Dirty Harry-style vigilante/hero….and then when he actually had to kill someone, it was awful. It was more like how his landlady's husband described killing,

Conspiracy theories aside, that's pretty inconsistent - Trump has enormous conflicts of interest and is clearly using the presidency to enrich his businesses/himself. And you're still not answering my question about him - are you really saying that Trump isn't cruel and profane? That his racism and misogyny don't

…What? That's not a reply to what I posted (and Obama's been exceedingly gracious - all reports, including Trump's own words, talk about how helpful Obama has been - which, imo, is more than Trump deserves, since he led the racist birther movement to discredit Obama…and Hillary didn't sell state secrets. Come on now).

"She is profane and cruel."

There's a reasonable conversation to be had about Clinton. It's a tricky line - we don't want to disbelieve a woman who accuses someone of rape (especially since false accusations are rare), but we don't want to condemn a man without a trial or other evidence. Same with Trump - he's been accused by a dozen women of