Oliver Phonglehorn

I went to schools that didn't do it until I was in junior high, at which point I moved to a town where they did it every day, and it did strike me as weird. Now the US pledge of allegiance strikes me as kind of weird too.

You might be thinking of the prize inside Cracker Jacks. That's what I got the last time, anyway. I'm pretty sure Happy Meals still come with little toys designed to be played with for ten minutes and then forgotten.

It is cool. I'm loving all the crazy stuff they've tried in the comics in the last few years. People complained about Dr. Octopus taking over Spider-Man's brain as if it were a permanent change, but it made for some really interesting stories for a while, and then Peter Parker came back, like anyone who's read

All Muppets are puppets, but not all puppets are Muppets. They're like squares and rectangles that way.

There were people in those days who didn't realize Paul Lynde was gay. So…

And here I thought kids loved Juliet Prowse!

Also: A sketch where Forte's character worked in an office, and Paul Giamatti was his boss. Giamatti is trying to conduct an interview or have some kind of meeting, but every time the phone rings Forte answers it and goes "OH NOOOOO! OH NOOO! OH! OH NOOOOO!" It still makes me giggle like mad just thinking about

The Falconer sketch with the time travel where every cast member ends up playing the Falconer, and they're all onstage together, is one of my favorite things ever on the show.

Even when I didn't like a sketch of his, I still liked that he went for it.

Oh, sure. See, they… No, I have no idea.

Johnny Fiama and Sal. Yeah, they were all over that show. They were pretty good in the Tony Bennett episode.

I liked Bobbi right away. It took me a while to warm up to Hunter, but I did eventually. But I still didn't think they should carry their own series. I hope they'll figure out a way to put them back on SHIELD.

Unwatchable, eh? Hmm… I'm pretty sure I watched it.

"Bib and napkin, knife and fork is the only way that I'll touch pork."
-Kermit, on The Muppet Show in 1978

Right. Which really shows you how long the Muppets have been around, when a 20-year-old character can be considered one of the new guys.

He was a pretty major presence on Muppets Tonight. They couldn't use a lot of the most familiar characters for various reasons, so the new characters picked up the slack. Some of them (like Bobo) worked out better than others (like Miss Piggy's stupid nephews).

His voice is in Ghostbusters!

That was very foolish of you.

Did you know that Arthur Q. Bryan couldn't scream that line with the volume and intensity Chuck Jones was looking for, so they had Mel Blanc do it? (If you're the kind of person who knows to quote the line, you're probably the kind of person who knows that.)