
I think this is the most frustrating thing about the game. They had so much potential in these characters, so many interesting things they could have explored in detail, and instead would just introduce an idea then move on from it so everything feels superficial. Even the gameplay ends up feeling that way - gear is

Final Fantasy XVI suffers from its decision to be an Action Game and not an RPG, and suffers from having an absolutely stupid final act that throws out everything it had been building toward for the rest of the game (including the whole slavery thing) in order to abruptly shift the plot direction into beating god’s

As much as I enjoyed the game, you’re spot on with how it came up with so many interesting ideas, and then just fucking moved on. A lot of great material could have been delved in to, and the team behind the game is capable of it, but I think they used “It is all from Clive’s perspective” as a crutch and it just made

The devs made the decision to spend 40 hours of an 80 hour RPG dedicated to Slavery, but only go as deep as “this little girl treats people like pets! SAD!” examining that choice is fair game.

I basically agree with everything said. The slavery aspect of the game was very much “Slavery Bad” and never looked deeper. “This girl treats a human like a pet! SAD!” Okay game, deep insight, thank you.

In all honestly, it was a pointless addition in the first place: you don’t need an explanation for why there are slave soldiers, historical precedent already justifies their existence, and you don’t need to make Bearers slaves, because the Blight itself is a good enough reason to explain why states would work people

This was an incredibly well-reasoned criticism of the game, and expresses issues I had with the experience as well. Rest in peace as they will now be coming for you. 

Before any discouragement from Kotaku haters and FF defenders, I got to say: this article speaks my truth.

What a wonderful summary resonate to what I’d been feeling during Clive’s journey. I wonder if developers were just too lazy to dig deeper, or tragically chose something too big for them to chew. I thought given

The game was definitely hit and miss with its depiction of slavery. It definitely managed to depict some of the horrors of slavery, with the section where Clive is approaching the Empire’s capital pre-second timeskip as a particularly memorable area with side quests that were real gut punches.

I think that’s a disingenuous take. It absolves the development team for introducing deep ideas they couldn’t —- or wouldn’t —- deal with in any significant manner. The game explicitly sets up a world where slavery exists in mass form; the game is responsible for then navigating that appropriately.

It was something that bugged me during my play through.

He and Billie eased my gateway into Who like no other(s) could, so I’ll always have that respect for him. AND I love Thor 2. *Come at me.

I would buy the shit out of that racist ass house in that racist ass community. Then I would make sure I was armed to the fullest extent of the law. Then I would fly my american, BLM & Marine Corps flag proudly over my 22 acre mini kingdom. Then I would throw on my “BLACK BY POPULAR DEMAND” shirt and go to all their

Also if they don’t fire their entire sales staff and hire people that aren’t bloated arrogant pieces of shit in the midst of gay panic with the comedic chops of Michael Scott.

A few weeks back I came up with the Invisible Fence model of society. It’s probably nothing new in concept, but it works something like this: just as a dog will feel entitled to go to any part of the yard where he doesn’t get zapped by his collar, so people in a given society will feel entitled to engaged in behavior

...stop throwing the “racist” label out as an opening volley, and instead choose to hear and consider perspective irrelevant of the vehicle delivering it... simply a good place to start... and maybe a conversation can be had that evolves into actual change...

Its a “talking point” gambit.

Why aren’t Dems running ads non-stop showing the inconsistencies in Trumps statements and then tying incumbent Republicans to Trump? For instance Giuliani stating “Cohen is an honest, honorable lawyer” and then calling “him a liar.” The news cycle is moving so quickly it is hard to believe how far this scandal has

WEB DuBois: Racism is an offshoot of fundamental class inequality where one’s race affects one’s class placement within society. By eliminating economic and class barriers between peoples in society we eliminate racial barriers as well.

Terrell Starr: Yes but that ignores that more black people are assigned with